Beating Eldar – You Can’t ‘D’ What you Can’t See

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Get ready to hop on board the Invisibility train, cause the Eldar are coming and they are packing heat.

Checkout this list that matches the Eldar for speed and resiliency. Turns out you can’t ‘D’ Weapon what you can’t see.


Via Spikey Bits Reader Master Shake

1850 White Scars – Ally Red Scorpions. (Company of the Great Wolf Detachment, Inquisitional Detachment)

Primary CAD


Khan on Moondrakken (Warlord)

Chaplain on Bike with Power Fist


2 Scout Squads w/ shotguns Land Speeder Storm Dedicated Transport (Heavy Bolter)

 Allied Detachment Red Scorpions


Magister Sevrin Loth


5 Scouts with Shotguns

Company of Great Wolf Detachment


3 Wolf Guard Battle Leaders on Thunderwolves: Power Fist, Storm Shields

6 Fenrisian Wolves (2 per battle leader)


2 Iron Priests on Thunder Wolves

Fast Attack

3 Thunder Wolf Cavalry: Power Fist Storm Shield

Drop Pod

Inquisitorial Detachment

Inquisitor Coteaz


Here’s the army brief; Khan, the Chaplain and all the thunderwolves scout. Turn one the drop pod arrives carrying Sevrin and Coteaz. They join the wolves and immediately roll every dice to cast invisibility.

Turn two, charge. Your enemy can’t ‘D’ what they can’t see.  If you loved this list checkout our latest 7th Edition shenanigans below.

7th Edition Army List Roundup

If you’re wondering why there is no cyberwolves in this list, think GRAVITRON!