Chaos Predator Conversion – Destroyer Of Khorne

Ages ago when Destroyer Of Khorne was an actual Warhammer 40,000 gaming upgrade that could be added to a Chaos Space Marine Predator I had a bit of fun converting an over-the-top blood-thirsty Khorne dedicated tank.

Destroyer Of Khorne had some fun gaming effects for a few extra points, but for me the attraction was the inspiration it provided for model conversion. What Chaos Lord doesn’t want a crazed tank with wicked looking attachments added to the hull? Sure, we all do!

This conversion is from a past millennium when the Predator tank was a hybrid kit comprising a plastic Space Marine Rhino with pewter conversion bits.  I went for a more is more approach to this one, even buying some bits from the now defunct GW bits service specifically for the project.

I enhanced the already spikey ram on the front of the tank with a massive baroque looking spike-tongued head. I also added hydraulic arms, one for grabbing victims and the other for sawing them apart!

The buzz saw is a metal bit I bought at the old US HQ store in Maryland. Remember when GW had a bits service?

The blades on the side of the tank come from the original Dark Eldar model range. The skull and crossbones bits are from skeleton shield sprues.

I also bought cannon bits that were part of the old metal Warhammer Empire Steam Tank kit to use as my sponson guns. The muzzles are plastic heads from the accessory sprue that came with the plastic Rhino.

The pintle mounted gun was built from old plastic Ork bolters. I used traditional Khorne colors of black, red and brass all over the model.

The tank is even dangerous on the back end with a bit of organic mutation in the form of a large scorpion tail. This hints at daemonic possession which is not a bad thing if you’re in the service of the Blood God . I merely over brushed the black on the tail with a deep red color to keep it dark.

Well that ends my little trip down Warhammer 40K memory lane for now. Skulls for the Skull Throne!

I’m in the middle of building my new Ork Flashgitz. It’s a fabulously customizable kit, but a little time consuming putting all the fiddly bits together. It will be worth it though, they look terrific!