Chapter Master Ambush – Badab War Battle Report 1/4


Come see a fantastic narrative battle report featuring the Red Scorpions, versus Huron’s Astral Claws. SN battle reports is bringing back that old school White Dwarf feel!

The Betrayal at Grief was the battle that resulted from a breakdown of negotiations between the Secessionist forces led by Huron the Tyrant of Badab and Chapter Master Sartaq of the Mantis Warriors and the Loyalist forces led by Chapter Master Verant Ortys of the Red Scorpions.

Loyalist Forces: 1175 points including Sevrin Loth
Secessionist Forces: 840 points
Mission: Loyalist forces need to secure the objective (Ortys’ body) which may be moved up to 6″ per turn if controlled by loyalist troops. Loyalist’s win if in control of the objective at the end of round six, if they remove the objective from the table before then or if they table the secessionists. Secessionists win if contesting the objective at end of turn six or loyalists fail their mission.
Special rules. Night fighting throughout. Catastrophic damage table rolled on each turn. No transport vehicles may be taken. 4’x4′ table. Secessionists start unless loyalists steal the initiative.



At this stage the war is at an impasse and the Secessionists unexpectedly broke the standoff with a remarkable proposal. Lufgt Huron personally sent emissaries to the Loyalists, offering a temporary ceasefire and honorable parlay with the Loyalist commander in order to avoid further bloodshed between those who should be “…loyal brothers” as his mouthpiece put it. Ortys, against advice, agreed to the meeting.

Arrangements were made for face-to-face contact between the Tyrant and the Magister Militurn on an abandoned orbital way-station in the uninhabited Grief system. What was to happen next remains a point of contention to this day.

The station itself, once a naval supply depot built into an asteroid mass, and abandoned due to solar flare activity some centuries before, maintained a remnant atmosphere but was otherwise dead. Each party approached the way station in a single unescorted strike cruiser, each leader and their honor guard was deposited on the asteroid by Thunderhawk, their respective strike cruisers pulling away outside of weapons range, as the two parties met. From what records were later recovered, it was plain that matters immediately became volatile and acrimonious. As the talks became heated an adjournment was called for, and both parties withdrew to separate compartments on the station to confer with their fellows. It is at this point Loyalist communications to their strike cruiser were cut off.

Three unknown vessels attacked from concealed positions deep within the thick atmosphere of the gas giant Shedim. The attackers assaulted the asteroid base before either Loyalist or Secessionist vessel could respond, raking the derelict way-station with weapons fire before boarding with a raiding party compromised of heretics, mutants and other renegades. In the confused battle that followed, it is known that the Loyalist delegation, including the reverend Red Scorpions Chapter Master, Lord Commander Verant Ortys was killed, and several members of Huron’s party including Chapter Master Sartaq of the Mantis Warriors were also slain but exactly how this occurred remains unknown.

During the resultant three-way space battle around the way-station, the Red Scorpion Chief Librarian Sevrin Loth led a desperate counter-assault on the station via assault ram and teleporter attack attack. At the height of the battle, the larger unknown vessel, badly stricken by fire from the Astral Claws strike cruiser, crashed into the way station and exploded, causing the asteroid to slowly break up in the cascade of debris.

This battle represents that counter attack.

[The fluff above is summerised from Imperial Armour 9 and the Lexicanum website.]


Sevrin Loth (Free)
10 Tactical Marines, veteran sergeant with power sword, missile launcher

7 Tactical Marines, missile launcher
7 Tactical Marines, heavy bolter1st Company Task ForceAssault Terminator Squad 5xThunder hammer storm shieldAssault Terminator Squad 5x Lighting ClawsTerminator Squad, Assault Cannon

Captain: storm bolter

4 Tactical Marines: plasma gun; + 1 Veteran Sergeant

6 Tactical Marines: grav-gun; + 1 Veteran Sergeant (power weapon)

4 Tactical Marines: grav-gun; + 1 Veteran Sergeant (grav-pistol)

6 Tactical Marines: grav-gun; + 1 Veteran Sergeant (grav-pistol)

• Dreadnought: twin-linked lascannon; power fist (built-in heavy flamer)

4 Assault Marines: plasma pistol; jump packs; + 1 Veteran Sergeant (power fist; combat shield)

And finally here we are with the first battle of our long awaited Badab War campaign! The fist battle we are playing is the Betrayal at Grief which takes place just after the Chapter Master of the Red Scorpions is killed by the Astral Claws (or at least that’s one of the versions of events anyways…). This mission represents the efforts of Red Scorpion task force to retrieve the body which will be in the centre of the board (almost like a relic mission). The team set out a 4×4 portion of our wonderful fortress board to represent the abandoned station where the body was left. We think it really looks the part and is one of our favorite boards. This should be a great game as not only is it the start of a campaign for us but also one of the first times that we play using unequal (points wise) forces as part of the narrative. Let’s roll some dice!

And here is the poor man himself, Chapter Master Verant Ortys. Despite what others may say the Hero of Vraks who captured St. Leonis’ Gate from waves of heretics, mutants, and finally daemons is not pining for the fjords or simply stunned… he is most definitely dead Jim. The control of the body is the only objective in this mission and given the small board and central location this is going to get bloody!

The main force of the Astral Claws were set up in the open and also as close to the body as possible. Steven placed his 5 man jump pack assault squad so as to have them basically on the body in turn one. According to the rules of this battle the Astral Claws get the first turn unless the Red Scorpions steal the initiative on a 6. Steven set up his force heavily influenced by this. Otherwise he would probably have made different use of the cover available to him. Two of his squads are hidden away behind cover. One to the far left of the picture and the other, with his captain, to the right behind a bunker. (BTW isn’t it great to see a dreadnought come out to play! They are such classic and iconic miniatures that unfortunately don’t get the love they deserve…)

Another great picture of the Astral Claws deployment shows just how close the armies already are! Just a millimetre or two over 24 inches separate them!

Kevin set up his force trying to be as close to the objective as possible. The layout of the fortress ruin means that there is a bottle neck so there is a bit of a traffic jam near the back. Worse than the school run on a Monday morning… Loth is placed on top of one of the towers attached to a 7 man tactical squad with a heavy bolter so as to have a good line of sight over the objective and the enemy. The plan is for him to be in a good place to buff the other units below as they try to get the body safely away.

Here’s a picture of the lightning claw terminators positioned beside Loth’s tower so as to “sneak” to the objective. Terminators sneaking? Doubt that will work… I just love the look of lightning claw terminators, shame that they are usually not that effective. But maybe today will be their time to shine especially as the Astral Claws are particularly lacking in 2 plus armour saves. However they have loaded up on the grav…

Full table shot before movement showing the traffic congestion! The final Astral Claw unit with captain is behind the building to the right with two ladders. Let’s do this!

Loth has his own Warlord trait which has no effect on this particular game (extra VP when kills psykers). More interesting is his ability to pick powers without rolling! Kevin chooses to pick 3 Telepathy powers. Shrouding, Psychic Shriek and Invisibility. Loth also has a special ability where by spending a warp point his 2 plus armour save becomes a 2 plus invulnerable save! This man is amazing! And what’s more Kevin gets to take him for free in this mission! Bargain! You kind of have to feel sorry for Steven: until you remember that his men just murdered a poor, innocent, honourable chapter master in cold blood…. (allegedly…)

Turn 1 (Loyalists) And Boom! Initiative stolen! This has not started well for the secessionists. Steven’s bold deployment may have backfired already…

Turn 1 (Loyalists) To simulate the rundown nature of the base the players will be rolling on the catastrophic damage table at the beginning of each game turn. The first roll is a nine which means… no effect! Boring!

Turn 1 (Loyalists) The Loyalists move forward in what looks like the start of an IKEA sale where there is a rumor that the sofas are on at 75% off… The plan seems to be to dump as many bodies as possible as quickly as possible on the objective. This may work but according to the mission rules the secessionists will win even if they are just contesting the objective so we will need to wait and see if this goes well or not. More worrying is that the most durable unit (THSS) is near the back probably not the best place for them even at this stage.

Turn 1 (Loyalists) Loth moves forward as does his unit (except heavy bolter that remains stationary) so as to get within 24 inches of the enemy and in psychic shriek range. He obviously has revenge on his mind already! Loth is such a great model and this one has been beautifully painted by Lawrence from the SN team. I love the contrast of the red and blue. So striking.

Turn 1 (Loyalists) Loth fires his Psychic Shriek hitting with ease with his BS5 after passing his psychic test. He rolls a 10 with his 3D6 but the stubborn special rule plus the Astral Claws Captain’s Warlord trait of giving his army the use of his leadership means no traitorous marines are removed from play. YES Astral Claws have Stubborn as their Chapter Tactic

Turn 1 (Loyalists) On to shooting and the first of the Astral Claws is killed with some great shooting from the heavy bolter on the top platform. The Red Scorpions cheer on as some more shooting from the Tactical Squad sees another assault marine killed.

Turn 1 (Loyalists) Kevin moves the rest of his forces forward by running those who did not have line of sight to shoot or those who are only equipped for assault.

Turn 1 (Secessionists) After the worst start they can have with a great steal initiative for Kevin it’s time to hit back hard! Steven goes for a full on assault as he moves all his forces forward using one of his units as a armour shield for his dreadnought. Perhaps the Red Scorpion on the steps (Brother Jenkins?) will soon begin to reconsider his life choices…

Turn 1 (Secessionists) Finally a glance of the Astral Claws Captain. Steven’s captain moves closer to the centre of the table making good use of the cover the board has and using the left flank to “surprise” the enemy.

Turn 1 (Secessionists) The Firing starts and all hell breaks out as shot after shot is fired. The dreadnought slays his first victim with a great shot from his lascannon. And who might the poor victim be?

Turn 1 (Secessionists) “Brother Jenkins”, the marine that was leading the charge, got shot and wounded a crazy 7 times which he saved with his 3+ armour and FnP! It was the 8th wound that finally killed this super marine! This guys body should also be an objective wow!

Turn 1 (Secessionists) More shots bring down a mighty terminator! He proves to be much less sturdy than Brother Jenkins was…

Turn 1 (Secessionists) The Assault Marines try to live up to their designation by charging into the tactical squad on the ledge by the steps. They are 7 inches away. Steven rolls a 5! They stay where they are… obviously tripping up on the body of the Chapter Master and a certain tactical marine on the way… (they had used their packs in the movement phase).

Turn 2 (Loyalists) Again nothing happens on the catastrophic damage table. The Red Scorpions take the opportunity to move forward at full pace! The terminator squad moves forward towards the incoming enemy as does the LC terminator assault squad and Brother Jenkin’s squad.

Turn 2 (Loyalists) Here are the assault Terminators ready to strike the enemy with their powerful lighting claws or out flank them should the AC captain decide to join the party.

Turn 2 (Loyalists) The powerful psychic phase starts again as Loth again helps his brothers in combat and targets the enemy with a powerful psychic shriek. First he bestows invisibility on the lighting claw squad below, he then targets the enemy Captain’s squad with the shriek rolling an 11 so killing one marine. Finally he again buffs his armour to a 2+ invulnerable just in case using his last warp charge. I’m starting to love this guy. Awesome! Move over Tiggy there’s a new kid on the block hanging tough…

Turn 2 (Loyalists) A tactical unit on the ledge behind cover open rapid fire at the approaching claws. Some decent shooting means that two more astral claw marines are removed from play. This is starting to look like a good round for the Red Scorpions.

Turn 2 (Loyalists) The Marines assault into the Assault Marines ……..see what I did there wink emoticon The apothecary sergeant hangs around the back of the unit hoping to not be challenged and therefore supply FNP to his men. Brave man…

Turn 2 (Loyalists) The Terminators also charge in giving some great support to the marines. For Verant Ortys!!!!!! Charge!!! The assault proves deadly and the squad is wiped out with ease. The Red Scorpions consolidate so as to have the Terminators screening the tactical marines who hope to soon start removing the body from the battlefield or at least away from any objective secured enemy units.

Turn 2 (Secessionists) The Captain and his stubborn unit move up the ramp and target the approaching terminators. What a sight!

Turn 2 (Secessionists) The dreadnought now finally in assault range first fires his flamer slaying one Red Scorpion Marine.

Turn 2 (Secessionists) The Dreadnought fires his twinlinked lascannon hoping to blow up the closest marine to small tiny little pieces! Unfortunately a bad roll to wound means nothing happens, so much firepower so little result…

Turn 2 (Secessionists) The rest of the Astral Claws behind the dreadnought open fire on the terminators! The bolters fail to wound but a deadly grav gun managers to kill one terminator. Kevin really needs to watch out for these grav guns quite a lot of them in this small army list.

Turn 2 (Secessionists) Some more shots hit and wound but the Terminator armour proves its worth as time after time Kevin passes their 2+ armour saves. Fortunately for him this squad’s grav is out of range due the unit moving (salvo rule).

Turn 2 (Secessionists) Wow! A great bolter shot from the Captain’s unit see’s another terminator gone. This is proving to be a relatively good shooting round for Steven. Go Astral Claws! Steven opted to use his rapid fire and grav weapons to shoot instead of using pistols and then following with a charge. We are torn as to whether this was a good tactic or not? Some think it was a good choice as wasting those grav shots and rapid fire bolters to charge a assault squad with better armour saves than you is a bit crazy. But if had gotten off the charge he would have had an extra attack per marine which would have struck first and he will likely be charged next round anyways if storm bolter fire doesn’t take him out… What do you guys think? Would you have done the same as Steven?

Turn 2 (Secessionists) The powerful Dreadnought assaults in with his awesome strength ten power fist! He is the man! Both units attack at the same time but the marines needing 6’s to glance with their krak grenades and just with one attack each. Great rolling from Kevin sees two hull points stripped from the mighty dreadnought as he rolls to 6s to glance. This wasn’t good for Steven as he was hoping to wipe out that unit quickly without trouble or at least be a great threat in the next coming turns.

Afer having nothing of note happening on the Catasropic table in turn one and two we finally rolled something different a Quake hits the area and all terrain is treated as difficult.

Turn 3 (Loyalists) Lets do this! Kevin starts to again advance forward into the heart of the battle getting as many units into the middle of the board as possible. Great sight again. Obviously due to the quake they are moving much more slowly now…

Turn 3 (Loyalists) The toughest unit on the board and my favorite marine squad. When these guys hit they hit hard! Let’s see what these guys can do this time. Kevin moves them up eyeing the dreadnought. Btw beautiful paint job.

Turn 3 (Loyalists) Again Loth works his magic and casts invisibility onto the lighting claws terminators which are about to assault into the Astral Claws captain’s unit. Loth then again buffs his armour to have a 2+ invul save this is done by just removing a warp charge off from his pile no need to roll. What a guy!

Turn 3 (Loyalists) Kevin starts to measure his ranges and rapid fire distances and it’s great news most of his army is now in rapid fire range apart from Loth’s unit that is safely in normal bolter range….bring on the pain!!! Pew pew pew!

Turn 3 (Loyalists) Great shooting again I must say from this unit on the top of the wall as they remove 3 astral claw marines from the unit below. GO RED SCORPIONS!………wait I actually like the Astral Claws more…….. I’m confused, I don’t really know who I want to be the winners… The grey ones perhaps?

Turn 3 (Loyalists) Wow what a sight! Love this picture! The Terminators charge into the Captain’s Squad. We again got lost in the moment thinking of this actually happening, just imagine these terminators storming through this little tunnel into the incoming enemy. Epic!

Turn 3 (Loyalists) The hammernators also make their charge into the Dreadnought giving the Tactical Marines some help in bringing this man-machine down.

Turn 3 (Loyalists) The two Terminator squads by the tunnel, one of which had invisibility, prove too strong again as they wipe out all the basic marines leaving the Captain by himself. He passes 2 instant death Invul saves from the power fists to keep fighting. Great rolling by Steven, but too little too late?

Turn 3 (Loyalists) BOOM! Just what I feared, the Dreadnought is wrecked and the thunder hammers were not even needed as a great crack grenade from one of the marines finished the Dreadnought off before the hammers struck. The Dreadnaught didn’t make it easy as he took two marines to their death with him. great to see the Dread with 4 attacks This is getting very interesting. Again consolidation happens…

Turn 3 (Secessionists) After Kevin consolidates his troops forward into the Astral Claws units it’s then time for Steven to hit back and he really needs to prove a point this turn and go in for the kill (or at least get on the objective to deny it to Kevin).

Turn 3 (Secessionists) The shooting round for Steven doesn’t go to plan as many shots hit and wound especially every grav shot which would easily rip through the terminators tough armour but Kevin shows us some impressive rolling as time after time he saves his 2+ armour rolls and 3+ storm shield roll are passed


Turn 3 (Secessionists) This great battle carries on just in front of the small tunnel. The captain finally looses a wound from the lighting claws…..


Turn 3 (Secessionists) …and then one final blow from one of the Power fists sees the Captain destroyed in a very well fought combat. Huron would be proud. Loth is prouder… I actually counted out he passed 3 instant death Invul saves and 3 lighting claw ap3 saves. He also wounded the terminators on 4 occasions but their armour was to much for him. That’s what happens when you bring a chainsword to a powerfist and lightning claw fight…

This just got even more interesting as a total of 6 wild fire explosions hit the station as the two armies battle on. And there we were moaning that there was no damage occurring!

Here we have a pic of how many explosions hit each table quarter and centre.

Some manage to scatter off into no mans land but some really hit hard on the units. Here a bunch of terminators are hit but luckily for Kevin no casualties due to the low AP value of the explosion.

The same happens up on the top floor as a total of 6 Marines are hit. Thankfully again Kevin’s saves are great and with the help of his sergeants FnP only one marine is removed. This has added some spice to the game though…

Turn 4 (Loyalists) Kevin again moves his loyalists forward towards the Astral Claws Lines. Is this a bold move by Kevin or should he opted to slowly fall back with the chapter masters body? Will the few men with the body be enough?

Turn 4 (Loyalists) The tactical unit finally slowly but surely start to drag the body into a safe area. The body closely guarded by two terminators just in case there is an counter attack from the closeby Astral Claws.

Turn 4 (Loyalists) Again this powerful character works his magic firstly giving his unit and those around shrouding, then uses invisibility on the lighting claws again and lastly again buffs his armour to the magical 2+ invulnerable save. Beautiful Forgeworld model and again a great paint job by our paint monkey’s personal collection [“we love you Lawrence”… finish that Arvus Lighter for our next mission!]

Turn 4 (Loyalists) As the Terminators are readying their weapons for combat and start to move in for the assault, the marines on the wall again fire down removing a further 2 Astral Claw marines… was a plasma gun so good shot from Kevin.

Turn 4 (Loyalists) CHARGE!!! The terminators again assault it but one is slayed by Steven before he gets there as a great shot from overwatch sees the terminator removed. “The Imperium is a weak old man, ready and waiting to be broken apart by his vengeful sons.”

Turn 4 (Loyalists) The Stubborn Astral Claws put up a decent fight as they land 7 wounds for Kevin’s men to save….. there must be a 1 in all these dice, law of averages right?……But no again the dice Gods are with Kevin as all saves are passed and the Terminators hit back “this is going to hurt”

Turn 4 (Loyalists) With barely a scratch on them the thunder hammer Terminators hit back and wipe out the unit without even breaking a sweat! Lethal! This is going from bad to worse for Steven the disadvantage in points in now being seen. Strength in Purity! Faith (and terminator armour, and stormshields) is (are) our shield!

Turn 4 (Secessionists) With hardly any units on the table to move Steven starts to pull back with his remaining marines as he sees these assault units are just too strong and will not stop until the enemy is defeated. With no units to compete in close combat he shoots with all he has and hopes for a miracle.

…and another Wildfire this time an incredible 7 Strength 5 large blasts. Have Steven’s prayers been answered by mysterious forces?

Here is where they will be hitting this time for those of you that dont know how this works the blast is basically set ontop of where the number is on the diagram then it scatters 3D6 or hits this can get ugly! Those sixes in particular are near the body and the escorting Red Scorpions…

The first blast directly hits the Terminators and Tactical marines dragging the Objective to safety! Boom! One terminator is wounded but passes his save on the other side one of the tactical marines is wounded but the sergeant saves him with a FnP roll (what a brilliant chapter tactic, one of the best if you ask me) free Fnp for tactical squads…YES PLEASE! What do you guys think? which is your favourite chapter tactic?

A second blast from a gas leak below hits these 3 marines….Boom but again all saves are passed. This catastrophic table is just so cool Blasts…Blasts everywhere! It started slow but now! Wow! Love it!

The final large blast hits the marines on the wall wounding a total of 7, surely some have to die.. Go blast! lol! Seems the dodgy gas works on the station are more effective at hitting Red Scorpions than Steven has been!

Finally 2 marines are killed. Steven was very happy to see some of the Marines in this squad finally removed from play as they have been decisive in this game with great shooting from behind the walls. Steven’s grin was far too wide for his own good… Did he start the fire? More evidence of the Astral Claws’ treason!

Turn 5 (Loyalists) Turn 5 starts and as quick as possible the last remaining marine in far squad is removed after some more great shooting from the wall squad. These guys must have at least killed a marine each in this game. Fatal odds where the enemy is outnumbered from the start.

Turn 5 (Loyalists) In to what looks like the last assault of the game we go! The Astral Claws try their best to pierce the terminator armour but again they prove too strong as the sergeant’s power sword is not enough and the lighting claws shred the marines to pieces with some fatal strikes.

Turn 5 (Loyalists) The game ends and here is the view of the battle field as you can see the Red Scorpions have done their job all areas are cleared and the Chapter Master’s body is uncontested by the enemy.

Victory to the Loyalists!!!! Strength in Purity! For the Emperor!

Kevin: Finally we have started the Badab War campaign! After what seems like months in the planning and teasing the happy co-incidence that saw so many of our group with Badab chapters is having a result! The mission itself was very different to those we usually play. Not only is the table 4×4 the sides are unequal points wise. What’s more no transports (and I’ve been painting rhinos almost exclusively for the past couple of months!) and one single objective! First blood? No matter. Linebreaker? Slay the warlord? Kill points? Nope. Just secure the objective. All Steven had to do was contest it. This made for a really different gaming experience. The dice Gods were with me throughout (as they should be!) from steal the initiative roll to the end. As such the final result, a tabling, flattered me. It could have been a lot closer… I am already looking forward to the next battle in the campaign! Chapter Master Ortys and Brother Jenkins will be further avenged! Thanks to the SN team for their effort in setting up the board and providing excellent hospitality and especially for supplying the wonderful Loth miniature I was able to borrow for the battle. Unfortunately I had to return him…

Steven: The time finally came after months of talking about it and organising we finally played our first Badab war campaign game, and what a game it was! The whole mission is just great, the disadvantage in points made it difficult for me but I was never going to let Kevin have a easy victory (no matter what the fluff says!). Going first to deploy was a great advantage for me as I think I got the best table quarter as I didn’t have a lot of cover but I did have great line of sight in all positions. The steal the initiative roll from Kevin was a big punch in the b@lls for me, even worse was his “f**k you” as he rolled the 6!Our history goes very far as I still haven’t managed to win a single game against his gorgeous looking red scorpions army so you can imagine the tension in this game. All in all a great game loved every second of it both armies looked great and the table is just one of my favourites so love playing on it. I actually think its one of the best games I have had in months Tactically I think I did what was needed but Kevin’s saves and tactical position of Sevrin Loth and his psychic abilities were great. Thanks to all the team for a great game and I’m really looking forward to the 3 remaining campaign missions!

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