For those of you not familiar with it there is an old board game out there, that was just re done in fact, that emulates a first person shooter.
It pretty much combines the play of 40k with the ridiculousness of Duke Nukem, and makes for a lot of fun. The game is called FRAG! and it’s a AWESOME.
The one part it is lacking in however is miniatures, and that is where we come in. My buddy Yepimadork, kicked off a FRAG! league around the shop, and the stipulation is that you must have your own custom figure to play.
So he got the party started with the figure you see here.
His name is Tyson, and I’ll im sure it will hit you as to why in a second, and yes he is shooting an explosive hamster round lol.
I especially like the punky Necromunda theme to the model, but the best part about this figure IMHO is that Yepimadork used a poop ton of bits to make this baby.
I lost count twice, but for completeness sake I’ll try to list them all for you. He is also mounted on a custom destroyed asphalt base.
- Chaos Heavy Bolter
- Ravenwing Assault Cannon
- Chainsword
- Ork Iron Sight
- Ork ejecting brass
- Maruder Shoulder Pads x2
- Flamer
- Melta Bomb
- Chaos Marine Legs
- Marine Torso
- Space Wolf Head
- Imperial Guard Heavy Bolter Armor Plate
- Frag Grenades
- Combat Knife
- Holstered Bolt Pistol
- Spikey Bits
- and of course High Explosive Hamster Round
I think this is hobbying at its best! -MBG!
Obligatory shameless plug time- We’re having a huge bits sale over at the Spikey Bits Online Store. All bits items are 20% OFF (yep 20% OFF). Just type the code Bits20OFF in the promotion code field when you check out and BAM! bits on the cheap!
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