Death From Above – NEW Raven Guard Tips & Tactics

By Rob Baer | December 14th, 2015 | Categories: Space Marines, Tactics, Videos, Warhammer 40k News


Come see our tips and tactics for the rebirth of the Raven Guard in the Kauyon supplement. The Sons of Corax are BACK!

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Raven Guard Special Rules

Strike From The Shadows – Any Raven Guard unit that does not begin the game in a transport gains shrouded for the first game turn, in addition a Raven Guard player can add +1 to the roll to see if night fighting is in effect.

Winged Deliverance – Raven Guard jump units can use their jump packs in both the movement and assault phase AND can re-roll failed to wound rolls for their hammer of wrath attacks.


Raven Guard Warlord Traits

1 – Vanish into Gloom – When the warlord and his unit are targeted they can immediately move D6 inches away receiving +1 to their cover save if they end up in cover. A once per turn ability.

2 – Concentrated Attack – At the start of the charge phase you can nominate a unit in the warlords line of sight and any unit can re-roll failed charges against this unit.

3 – Master of Shadows – Once per game you can bring night fighting into effect as long as your warlord is on the battlefield.

4 – Silent Stalker – Enemy units must pass a leadership test to overwatch the warlords unit. Subtract 2 from the units leadership if the warlord is charging through cover.

5 – Exit Strategy – If your warlord is on the battlefield you can add or subtract 1 for the die roll to end the game.

6 – Swift and Deadly – Once per game the warlord and his unit can charge even if they ran.


Oh yeah, these guys just scream Death From Above! The new Raven Guard formation rolls for reserves starting on turn 1, can voluntarily fall back, can get outflank and ignore cover. Don’t forget about their Exit Strategy either.

 Kauyon Campaign Roundup


NEW Raven Guard Rules – Tips & Tactics Space Marines Review Kauyon