Destiny is Here – New Forge World Kharn the Bloody

Right on the heels of the Typhon model release for Death Guard, Kharn the Bloody is here!

Very few other single names in the grim dark invoke such a feeling of fear and dread than Kharn the soon to be Betrayer.

But for now he’s just a line captain and equerry to Angron.

Checkout all the views on this sweet new character model from Forge World below!  Oh, and don’t forget about the Legion Command releases from earlier in the month either!

A skilled warrior and duellist, Khârn was a line captain at the time of Angron’s rediscovery, but soon rose to become his Primarch’s equerry and one of the few whose counsel he heeded. It was Khârn who acted as the voice of reason for Angron, often bringing his master back from the brink of insanity and curbing the worst of his bloody excesses.

But Khârn was by no means immune to the cancerous rage which afflicted his Legion, and it was upon the ravaged surface of Isstvan III that he first surrendered himself fully to the bloodshed and slaughter. At the height of the battle, Khârn fell during a confrontation with Garviel Loken of the Sons of the Horus, impaled upon the ram of a Land Raider and left for dead by his own comrades. Somehow he survived and his eventual return to the front line was seen by many World Eaters as nothing short of miraculous, a sure sign that he still had some dark destiny to achieve in the bloody days to come.

Khârn the Bloody, designed by Edgar Skomorowski, is a multi-part resin model displayed on a scenic diorama base, with a smaller removable base for gaming use. This model is provided with the choice of a helmeted or bare head as well as the choice of the Cutter or Gorechild weapons. The rules for Khârn the Bloody can be found in The Horus Heresy Book Two – Massacre. This model is available to pre-order now and will be despatched from Friday 28th February.

“There is nothing to gain from knowing your enemy. The only thing that matters is that they are to be destroyed. Everything else is just a distraction.”

Khârn the Bloody

8th Captain of the World Eaters