Forge World Showcase: Typhon Seige Tank

Wow Forge World has really cranked it up a notch with all the new “Heresy” kits they just announced.

Lets take a closer look at the Typhon Siege Tank, which seems to be a hybrid of a “Heresy” Land Raider and a Vindicator?  This is a full resin kit as well, following in the footsteps of it’s “Heresy” Land Raider Predecessors.

I dont think it looks half bad either, as it’s styling lends nicely to the look of the “Heresy” Era Land Raider and Rhino Chassis variants.

This bad boy will be up on Forge World for order soon, yours for only 95 GBP (~$150 USD)
Pictures courtesy of FW . What do you think of this big guy? -MBG