Meet The Best Astartes Flyer – The Xiphon Unboxed

Meet The Best Astartes Flyer - The Xiphon Unboxed

The new Xiphon has been out for a hot minute, but don’t let that fool you. This thing is death to all but Astartes in the air. Come see their newest flyer, unboxed!

Sanctioned for use by all Heresy Legions in 30k play, it also has experimental rules for games of Warhammer 40k as well.

Weapon wise this thing packs a mean punch with its Xiphon Rotary Missile Launcher and Dual Twin Linked Lascannons. While it doesn’t pack a lot of shots but the ones it has will most likely hit home.

Be sure to keep this guy moving cause it seems like once it draws the attention of the enemy it may only be a matter of time before it is shot down!

Agile will give the Xiphon longer life, while Cluster Warhead & Terminal Tracking will take down the bad guys who give you fits!



With unparalleled speed and manoeuvrability, the Xiphon pattern Interceptor saw increasing service in the Legiones Astartes during the dark days of the Horus Heresy. Based on ancient designs, the void and atmospheric craft carried heavy armaments into battle, allowing it to destroy both air and ground targets with apparent ease. Its pair of twin-linked lascannon and Xiphon rotary missile launcher combined with the Interceptor’s speed and agility to make it a deadly opponent from which the enemies of Mankind could not hide.

The Xiphon Pattern Interceptor is a flyer that is available to all Legiones Astartes armies in Horus Heresy games.

This is a complete multi-part resin kit which includes a plastic canopy and flying stand.


xiphon-5 xiphon-9

Meet The Best Astartes Flyer – The Xiphon Unboxed

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I think the Xiphon will become a fan favorite like the Sicaran. Only time will tell.