The Lollipop Legion – More 40k Squat Conversions Roar!


The Space Marines have a long lost chapter known as the Tikes! Come take a look at today’s conversion corner, but look close, you might miss them!

Checkout some sick minis brought to us by hobbimaniac Craig Downs.

15540675_1748867088766953_2006177533335806867_o 15540702_1748867375433591_5206928921775210028_o 15578277_1748867258766936_1050197767835245476_o 15585206_1748867222100273_8223135086977780322_o 15590825_1748867132100282_6856215031531529879_o 15626460_1748867185433610_6913177128507218665_o 15675976_1748867285433600_1755181884497074873_o 15676063_1748867325433596_6192605945021340523_o

We represent the lollipop legion!

This Week’s Top Conversion Corners

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits?   We want those pics!  Hungry for more Conversions, and Hobby

Showcases? Checkout our Playlist below!