More New Rules- SM Vehicle Upgrades Just Released

Yup that’s right if you’ve been a good loyalist Space Marine now you can get some neat little upgrades to use with your vehicles.

Just published in the brand new Imperial Armor Two; War Machines of The Adeptus Astartes are two pages of new upgrades called Legacies of Glory.

Now you can mark our your Space Marine Vehicles as having participated in a particular campaign or battle from the past, and reflect that experience in game.

There are a ton of fun upgrades listed, but my favorite is by far the “Shrouded Provenance”; this vehicle is never entirely trusted by those who crew it. Very neat stuff indeed.

Checkout my first look video at the whole new book below to see all the great Forge World units and fluff (omg Land Raiders) that’s included in this new edition of  Imperial Armor Two -MBG