New 40k Flyer- Video

While I’m not prepared to spit in the face of Games Workshop and players across the world by leaking actual pictures of  the new Flyers, I did make a video on the newest flyer to date, the Storm Eagle Assault Gunship.

Let’s pause on talking about the new Storm Eagle for just a second- I wanna just do a bit of soap boxing here.

For the record: real pictures, or artists renditions of the real pictures that Beasts of War may have are still the same thing, and that would be…. being in the wrong.

Divulging stats that are wholly IP of Games Workshop, is also wrong  What Beasts of War did again, was say to the world HEY WE’RE BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE. Rules mean nothing to us, bow to our greatness.

Greatness…. that reeks of desperation, and I want no part of it. Thanks for the leaks I guess, but it will cost you more in the long run guys.

Funny how they talk about wanting to be friendly with Dakkaites, and Warseers, but mention nothing of Bell of Lost Souls (their direct and superior competition?) Sounds like they are afraid of BoLS, but strangely seem to be okay with Dakka, and Warseer?

I guess that is because they just think they are better than Dakka and Warseer too don’t they?

Personally I think we can all get along still, if they decided to cut the crap and play nice with everyone else.  Sure you got the pics early, many of us have access to this information.  It’s what you do with the information reflects into the future.

Wars Not Make One Great

Beasts of War has once again declared war on the 40k Gaming Community….

Okay so rant off- Let’s talk about this new flyer huh?

Today’s unboxing is on the new Storm Eagle Assault Gunship from Forge World.

Recently, Forge World put out this kit I guess to go along with the rumored future release of flyers.

The kit comes with multiple weapon options, as well as a fully detailed interior compartment, that actually looks like it can hold its passenger capacity!

I’m pretty impressed so far with this kit, and can’t wait to get my hands on the other flyer they showed off at Open Day recently

The Kit

Storm Eagle Assault Gunship available for 80 pounds (~$120) from Forge World.

A formidable gunship, the Storm Eagle mounts fearsome firepower for a vehicle of its size and is capable of transporting twenty Space Marines directly into the thick of an assault. The exact provenance of the Storm Eagle is unknown, but it bears clear similarities to the Stormravens employed by the Blood Angels and Grey Knights. Certain sources place the principal manufacture of the Storm Eagle upon Tigrus and Anvilus IX, both primary-grade Forge Worlds that suffered catastrophic damage during the Horus Heresy. In recent decades the number of Storm Eagles in active service has begun to increase, especially amongst those Chapters known to have favourable relations with the Adeptus Mechanicus. This has lead some observers to believe that production has been restored at an as yet unknown location. -Courtesy FW’s site


Hopefully I can get a break from this weekend’s Necron madness and assemble this puppy and report back on that!

For now though, enjoy the video of the newest flyer.  Oh and don’t forget to checkout my Rhino/Predator Reinforced Upgrade kit from last week. -MBG