NEW BITS – Titan Forge X-5 Dropship

By Barclay Montgomery | March 1st, 2016 | Categories: BITS, Space Marines, Warhammer 40k News


Hot off the press is a new dropship from Titan Forge miniatures! This bad bird is coming in hot to deliver your troops to the thick of the battle. A must see!

Via Titan Forge

X-5 Dropship €45.00


This resign set contains enough parts to make one X-5 Dropship model:

1 x Dropship front
2 x Big wings
2 x Small wings
4x  Grav-engines
1x  Interior ceiling
1x  Interior floor
1x  Interior front wall
1x  Interior back wall
1 x Dropship top with engines
1 x Dropship tail
2 x Dropship side doors
4x  landing skid


big_794 big_793 big_795

In the pipe! Five by five!