New Black Library – The Salamander’s Secret Weapons

By Zeb Barrett | October 20th, 2016 | Categories: Black Library, Horus Heresy, Space Marines

sons of the forge

Forgefather T’kell of the Salamanders is charged with a solemn duty by Primarch Vulkan to stow away a powerful weapon in a secret vault!

It’s not every day we get a new Salamander novel, especially not one with a tale of such an important task.

Sons of the Forge: Price TBD

sons of the forge

Charged with a solemn duty by the Primarch Vulkan himself, Forgefather T’kell of the Salamanders prepares for what may be his last journey. Along with a chosen few of the Legion’s elite Firedrakes , he must  bear the last seven of Vulkan’s greatest weapons away to the secret vault known as the Wrought, putting them forever beyond the reach of enemy and ally alike. But word has already spread of these legendary artifacts … 

Go check out all the great novels from Black Library and pick up your very own copy of Sons of the Forge!