Looking for some secret 40k tech? Checkout the new rules and updates to the ‘Seige of Vraks’ for 7th Edition.
The new Siege of Vraks book is here and there are two curious things about it.
First off Forge World doesn’t mention that it was essentially a ‘second edition’, as a matter of fact I checked the copyright page just to make sure I wasn’t going crazy, and sure enough in small print it lists the new book as a ‘Second Printing’.
It’s great they collected down the other three books (Siege of Vraks Vol 1,2,and 3) into a single volume, and updated their rules over to 7th Edition 40k. However everyone I talked to about was confused about the volume in the first place. Basically what it boils down to is they cut out a lot of fluff and ‘dead rules’ that either were redundant OR appear elsewhere.
Second curious thing about this book is that there was no ’40k Approved Stamps’ anywhere in the book. Which seems to mean that it’s all technically legal for play in games of Warhammer 40,000.
Unit wise all the Chaos baddies got updates, some duplicating (with rules to back it up this time) characters from earlier publications. Makes sure you pay close attention to the new ‘Hector Rex’ he may be a great buy for Psychic-centric lists, and he’s easy to ally in too!
They also included two great full army lists updated to 7th Edition though, the Death Korps of Kreig (DKoK) and Renegade Militia (Similar to IA 13 but with more access to toys) in it as well.
Seems Forge World may be getting more serious about their rules sets these days. Kudos to them for the improvements.
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