Official Leak? Flyers: Death From the Skies

By Rob Baer | January 30th, 2013 | Categories: Space Marines, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Well the word is not 100% out yet whether this is a clever hoax or a pending release, but it’s definitely got everyone’s attention.

I can tell you right now that if this turns out to be a legit release, but Direct Order Only like the Crusade of Fire, or the limited edition hard cover releases, Games Workshop will have a lot of angry gamers on their hands (well more than normal I suppose).

To me, as both a hobbyist and a Game Store owner, releases like this serve no logical purpose besides trying to monopolize profits on a particular product, alienating game store owners, and confusing the heck out of customers in general.

Oh and then their are the eBay scalpers… buying up book just to resell them for double a week later. Nothing good comes from these limited releases IMHO except fatter pockets for GW, and the scalpers.

Don’t get me wrong, I welcome our new flyer overlords, but with baited breath as both a hobbyist, and businessman. -MBG

as ever from Faeit

Cover Pic: Death From the Skies

It seems now we have a cover for the 40k flier supplement “Death from the Skies”. It looks like this compendium is real, and is just around the corner with a rumored release date of February 16th. I have included below the rest of the current rumors surrounding this release.

Although this looks legit, please take it as a rumor until we get something official.

via Lorizael (the photo is also from Lorizael)
My sources say this will be a 70 page “compendium”. 

It will have updated 6th edition rules for flyers: 

Stormraven (now available to space marines and BT) 
Storm Talon 
Ork Bomba / dakka jet / burna bomba 
Valkyrie / vendetta 
Razorwing & Voide Raven 
Night Scythe / doom scythe 

also dog fighting rules from crusade of fire and a new flyers scenario. 
I’m told this book will be a range item and not a limited release.

via Kroothawk
A new 40k supplement book will be released on 16th February:
“Death from the Skies” (26€, mail order only, chance of being in English only).
More when I know more. But it certainly sounds like a flyer supplement.

via DarkWarrior1981 on Warseer
This is not as exciting as people may think. I saw the advert for the book at a local store; It contains only rules for fliers still on sale or with a codex entry (the Dark Eldar bomber is in), some fliers have their rules updated to 6th edition (whatever this means exactly). The only thing actually new is, that the Stormraven is now available to Codex Space Marines and Black Templars as well. Also you will find the flier rules from Crusade of Fire and new missions. The book will be on sale (no pre-order) from 16th of February, is direct only (so not from your FLGS), english language only and will not be limited stock.