Old Adversaries, Ultramarines Vs Tyranids – Conversion Corner

ultramarines vs tyranids kracken

Come see the latest 40k Diorama going around the internet that pits a small force of Ultramarines against their old adversaries the Tyranids!


11896071_963044500418516_6788621636236695832_n 11889415_963044450418521_3978703609549938410_n 11953254_963044433751856_1196482104090189809_n 11889598_963044603751839_6231840198813767069_n 11225201_963044553751844_4335696562731901568_n 11960001_963044563751843_4370303046596413538_n

That is some beautiful work.

It’s not looking good for the home team!


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