REVEALED – 'Exclusive' Skyhammer Annihilation Force

drop pod - Copy
Download the hot new Space Marine formation that was a ‘web exclusive’ just a few days ago.

Love the Web Exclusives but can’t afford all the miniatures that are attached to it? Good news, the latest ‘exclusive’ formation has leaked to the internets.
Here’s the formation that was posted up on the Spikey Bits Hobbies page recently.
skyhammer close up
Summary of the Formation itself from the weekend;
Via Elite 40,000 

The Skyhammer Annihilation Force comprises:

  • Two Assault Squads with Jump Packs
  • Two Devastator Squads in Drop Pods

And no less than four special rules:
Shock Deployment: All units in a Skyhammer Annihilation Force start the game in Deep Strike Reserve. Instead of using the normal deployment and reserve rules for these units, you can, during deployment, choose whether this Formation will arrive during your first or second turn. The entire Skyhammer Annihilation Force automatically arrives on the turn you choose—no Reserve Rolls are required. Ignore this Formation’s Drop Pods for the purposes of the Drop Pod Assault special rule.
First the Fire, then the Blade: On the turn they arrive from Deep Strike Reserve, the Devastator Squads in a Skyhammer Annihilation Force have the Relentless special rule and the Assault Squads can charge even though they arrived from Reserves that turn.
Suppressing Fusillade: A unit targeted by a Skyhammer Annihilation Force’s Devastator Squad in the Shooting phase must take a Morale test at the end of the phase on 3D6, regardless of how many casualties were inflicted. If the test is failed, the enemy unit does not Fall Back, but must immediately Go to Ground. If the test is passed, the enemy unit is unable to fire Overwatch for the rest of the turn.
Leave No Survivors: Assault Squads in a Skyhammer Annihilation Force can use their Jump Packs in both the Movement phase and the Assault phase. If an Assault Squad from a Skyhammer Annihilation Force charges a unit that has Gone to Ground as a result of the Suppressing Fusillade special rule, that Assault Squad can reroll failed To Hit and To Wound rolls in the ensuring Assault phase.

New rules aside, these ‘web exclusive’ rules sets are great, as long as there is someone to help you get your hands on them…

Space Marine Roundup

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