Space Marine AA Tank (Stalker / Hunter) Rules

By Rob Baer | August 14th, 2013 | Categories: Space Marines, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Ain’t no flyer got time for the new Space Marine anti air tank. Just skimming the rules this morning I’m in shock if this thing is as good as the leaks make it out to be. 

Best of all, it looks to be able to hide under a Sky Shield pad, allowing for some tricky vertical deploying of Space Marines.  Will the new book bring back the “wild west castle” style play that we saw in early 6th edition with Aegis lines?
Hard to say, time to bring on the Space Marines!!!
Courtesy of Apocalypse 40k 
Here is a recap of the new Space Marine AA Tank, that will be the bane of opposition air forces!…