Space Marines Get New Psychic Powers!


Get in here to see the new Marine psychic powers.

First off we got a glimpse of the 28 new Psychic Powers that make up the four new disciplines: Fulmination, Geokinesis, Librarius & Technomancy!

via Scanner



Luckily someone is on the case with a better camera:

via Captain Citadel

card-veiloftime card-fulmination card-earthblood


Earth Blood – “…blessing that targets a single friendly non-vehicle character within 18″. The target immediately regains D3 wounds lost earlier during the battle. In addition, whilst the power is in effect, the target and all models in their unit have the ‘It Will Not Die’ special rule.”


Electroshield – “…is a blessing that targets the Psyker. Whilst the power is in effect, the Psykers has a 3+ invulnerable save.”


Veil of Time – “…is a blessing that targets the Psyker’s unit. Whilst the power is in effect, the Psyker and his unit can re-roll all failed saving throws.”

New Space Marine Roundup

~Eat your heart out Eldar!