The Old Foes Bundles Keep Rolling in From GW

old-foes-army-bundlesIn the fourth installment of the Old Foes Bundles, the Sons of Ferrus take on the sons of Fulgrim, but is there any value in the bundles?

Originally they said say each week they will be doing a different themed Old Foes army bundle focusing on some famous rivalries for Warhammer 40k Each set of armies would only be available for one week, so if you see a bundle you like, you won’t have to long to get it.

The first listing was on October 5th, and the second listing just appeared on a Tuesday seven weeks later, with no accompanying Warhammer Community article like the first. The last few, however, have come out on the same schedule.

Here’s a look at the first couple we’ve seen so far:

40k Old Foes Necrons & Space Marines Themed Army Bundles

themed army bundles

To celebrate these epic rivalries, is bringing themed Old Foes army bundles to the webstore, each available for just one week. These are a new army project in their own right, and they bring you within striking distance of a free Sergeant Castus miniature this month.

themed army bundles 2

A Necron Overlord headlines this bundle with his bodyguard of ten Immortals, three Tomb Blades, and a Night Scythe from Combat Patrol: Necrons, along with a squad of ten Necron Warriors and their Ghost Ark transport.

They ended up retailing from GW for $235 and $240 respectively which equated to zero value over retail price.

Fast forward to November and more bundles have appeared!

Death Guard & Admech

old foes 40k army bundles (3)

It appears that these bundles are based on epic battles from the Chardon supplement’s battles.

Experience the legendary battles of War Zone Charadon with this bundle based on one of the conflict’s central combatants.

First up is Typhus followed by the Adeptus Mechanicus and their new Marshal! Unfortunately, this bundle also provides no savings over retail, besides the value inside the Combat Patrol kit itself.

Sons of Ferrus Manus: $263

Old Foes Bundles 5

In addition to all the units found in Combat Patrol: Space Marines, you’ll get a legendary Iron Father of the Chapter, an indomitable Ironclad Dreadnought, and a upgrade set with which to customise your Primaris Space Marines into Iron Hands.

This bundle includes:

– 1x Combat Patrol: Space Marines, containing:
– 1x Primaris Lieutenant in Phobos Armour
– 10x Primaris Infiltrators
– 3x Suppressors
– 3x Eliminators
– 1x Primaris Impulsor

– 1x Iron Father Feirros
– 1x Iron Hands Primaris Upgrades and Transfers
– 1x Ironclad Dreadnought

Unfortunately, at $263 retail, that is the same price that you can get the Combat Patrol and the three extra kits for normally. Still, if you want to get everything in the set, you only have to click one button, so that’s something.

Sons of Fulgrim: Sold Out Already

Old Foes Bundles 6

In addition to all the units found in Start Collecting! Chaos Space Marines, you’ll get a dread Chaos Lord to lead them, an additional unit of Chaos Space Marines as well as a set of Noise Marines Sonic Weapons with which to upgrade them, and a murderous Helbrute to crush all before you.

This bundle includes:

– 1x Start Collecting! Chaos Space Marines, containing:
– 1x Master of Possession
– 1x Venomcrawler
– 2x Obliterators
– 2x Greater Possessed
– 10x Chaos Space Marines

– 1x Chaos Lord
– 10x Chaos Space Marines
– 1x Noise Marines Upgrade Pack
– 1x Helbrute

This one sold out in like two minutes, so it looks like people didn’t care about the value and bought up anything with the hint of new Chaos, but you can’t blame them.

Are the Old Foes 40k Army Bundles Worth it?

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If you are looking for straight value, no. However, they do have value based on the savings you get from the Combat Patrol box that seems to be part of these offerings. Keep in mind that locks you into the extra kits included on top of that, which may or may not be of value to you.

Kinda makes you wonder why all the hoopla for a series of “limited” releases that you can literally purchase a cheaper version of (with technically more value) in the form of the combat patrol boxes themselves…

All the Newest GW Model Previews For December & Beyond

Do you like the idea? Have you picked any of them up yet? 

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