Unboxing & Review – Solaq & Burning Dawn Box Sets

By Rob Baer | October 26th, 2015 | Categories: Product Review, Space Marines, Tau, Unboxing, Videos

infilitration cadre burning dawn

If you missed the Sold Out new Tau and Raven Guard Campaign Box sets, checkout our unboxings of BOTH the hot new kits now!

Both the Shadow Force Solaq, and the Burning Dawn Campaign box featured a bundle deal of older existing miniatures with a new HQ figure along with a new rules supplement. This was the first time Games Workshop split the campaign box release into factions, and they still sold out almost immediately!


Via Games Workshop

Shadow Force Solaq:

This stunning box set includes twelve plastic Space Marine miniatures – a five-man Sternguard Veteran Squad, a five-man Vanguard veteran Squad, a Land Speeder and a new Space Marine Captain. As well as this, you’ll find the thirty-two page booklet War Zone Damocles: Operation Shadowtalon – the first instalment in the blood-soaked tale of the war for the Dovar System.

This booklet includes The Hunt For Aun’Do, the story of the Tau’s recovery of the Ethereal Aun’Do and Shadow Captain Solaq’s efforts to capture him; the Echoes of War, three missions depicting key conflicts during the hunt, and an awesome Army List featuring everything you need to field the included miniatures in games of Warhammer 40,000.

Unboxing & Review


Infiltration Cadre Burning Dawn:

This incredible box set includes nineteen plastic Citadel miniatures: a ten-man Pathfinder Team (plus three Drones); a TX4 Piranha, three XV25 Stealth Battlesuits (plus a Drone) and an Ethereal on Hover Drone. As well as this, you’ll find the thirty-two page booklet War Zone Damocles: Burning Dawn – the first instalment in the blood-soaked tale of the war for the Dovar System.

This booklet includes The Hunt For Aun’Do, the story of the Tau’s recovery of the Ethereal Aun’Do and Shadow Captain Solaq’s efforts to capture him; the Echoes of War, three missions depicting key conflicts during the hunt, and an awesome Army List featuring everything you need to field the included miniatures in games of Warhammer 40,000.

Unboxing & Review


  • New rules included
  • New HQ models


  • Campaign booklets are identical between boxes, sans faction specific rules
  • Pricing Schema offers no “real” savings.

Overall it’s great to see new “splash” release campaign kits that can be similaunched with codex re-boots like the Tau. Games Workshop seems to have us dialed in when it comes to getting us to buy, and now they’ve even figured out how to make one box set release into TWO!

New Tau Rules Roundup

May the way ahead be lit by the glow of a pulse rifle!


Honest 40k Solutions – Episode 22