Warkitteh- LolCats Meets 40k

By Rob Baer | April 28th, 2012 | Categories: Space Marines, Warhammer 40k News, Warkitteh

Welcome to the new segment here on Spikey Bits called Warkitteh (or War Kitty), which is basically pics of my cats being stupid.

I happen to have several cats, and they all seem to dig my toy soldiers. By dig I mean do dumb things around them, and that is funny.

Seriously whats better to laugh at than cats doing stupid things?

So checkout my latest Warkitteh pic. The original is below as well, so feel free to make your own version. If you want, submit it back to me for posting.

This weeks warkitteh comes from Mike Lovecchio.  According to him: “The cat in the picture loves to start stuff with my 5 month 50lbs shep/setter puppy. Unfortunately the shelf where my doom eagle army is where she chooses to make her stands.”

I’d love to see some reader submissions on this, so please don’t hesitate to send in your own silly cats for us to text or make your own version for me to publish.  The internet loves cats!!!

The font is Impact, stroked in Photoshop with 3px black.  That’s it! 

Lets see what we can come up with! -MBG

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