Like a beacon of light during this cloudy season of ever-growing darkness, your favourite frenchie is back on Spikey Bits.
I come bearing gifts, in the form of space Vikings on giant wolves.
These bad boys are reinforcements for an army I painted a while back, when space wolves were king of the 5th edition meta. The wolves are back more than ever and TWC and Space Drakkars are a must in any army.
One thing I felt that most Space Wolves army were missing was some deep contrast. Grey of various shades, yellow shoulder plates, snowy base, KKTHXBYE. I felt as a true ambassador of the untamed north, I had to do something to shake things up a bit and step these Viking one step up a notch, bringing them to lumberjack status.
I like the classic Space Wolves color, pale blue-ish grey, so went with that. Unlike the classic yellow, I went for a dark red for all the plates and whatnots, as well as painting all the hair and beards in a reddish brown. I also stayed away from the classic snow base, as it is not a great addition to the pale armour.
If you chose to paint your space Vikings in a dark grey armour, then by all means go for the Yellow and snowy base. Just stay way from the yellow snow. Until next time! —Hellfire