What Leman Russ’ Primarch Rules Could Be in 40k

By Wesley Floyd | September 10th, 2019 | Categories: primarchs, Space Marines, Space Wolves, Warhammer 40k News

Leman Russ isn’t in 8th edition right now, but we know he’s not dead either. Check out what his rules could look like if he returns!

Disclaimer: There hasn’t been any word or rumors of Leman Russ joining the back in the fight for 40k. So with that being said, this is completely based on our personal thoughts of what his rules could look like IF he ever made it back into the game. With that covered, let’s jump in.

What Leman Russ’ Rules Might Look Like in 8th Edition

leman russ

Going off of what we know for Russ, he was a beast of a melee fighter and had a special dislike for Magnus, being sent to him as the Emperor’s executioner and all. However, Leman is just like his brother Guilliman in relative size/armor so his stat-line could be something like:

M 10″ WS 2+ BS 2+ T 6 W9 A 9 Ld 10 Sv 2+(3++)

Like what you’d expect from most Primarchs, they could give some kind of aura buff to friendly units closeby. For Russ, we feel like he might give them an extra attack and strength within 6″ of himself. With his Legion being sent as the execution task force from the Emperor himself, these dudes knew how to wage combat and essentially drive out forces through slaughter. And to make up for the Sire of the Space Wolves rule in 30k, it would probably translate into +1 Ld across the board if Leman Russ is on the table. (Not super useful but better than nothing and it pulls from his 30k rules).

Now for Wargear:

  • Armor Elavagar: In the Horus Heresy, his armor plays on the enemy’s initiative and plasma/flamer/meltas have a harder time punching through it. In 8th, it could look something like enemies in combat with him always fight last and flamers/melta/and plasma keyworded weapons can’t wound him on anything better than a 4+.
  • Sword of Balenight: The Sword of Balenight Russ’ Mortal Wound engine. With the stats like S6 AP-4 D2, it would also have a rule in place of Sever Life. Where on a 2+ after each combat, the enemy suffers an extra D3 mortal wounds. And in place of Shred this weapon could also reroll all failed wounds.
  • Axe of Helwinter: This would be something like S x2 Ap -3 D 3 with exploding hits on a 6+.
  • Scornspitter: for ranged, his little pew pew would probably be something like an assault 6 S5 Ap-2 D1 gun. Definitely not bad, but also not the main reason why you take Russ.

With our thoughts on what Leman Russ could look like in 8th edition covered, do you agree with the stats? What would you change?

Do you think he would give any special bonuses to Wulfen? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!