That’s right boys and girls, FTW Games, the home of Spikey Bits, is about to turn three, and we thought why not do something… EPIC?
We just finished moving into our brand new 6000 square foot store, and figured it would be time to up the ante on our birthday celebration.
So we’ll have all sorts of gaming demos on all the top games, clinics by some of the top pros in our field, and tournaments glorious tournaments!
It’s even rumored we will have no less than five special guests that weekend, including the sweetheart of Warhammer 40k, Goatboy himself (above).
Best of all, the Convention itself is FREE. No day badges, no clicking refresh to see if you got into the right day, or if you even got a ticket, nada. Just show up all weekend long and take in all the demos you want and chat with your favorite wargaming personalities.
There will also be several paid clinics put on by industry pros, as well as Magic and tabletop game tournaments as well.
- Checkout our current schedule of events below, and start making plans to come to the very first SpikeyCon (FTW Games 3rd Birthday).
- Thomas, (aka Goatboy) will be drawing whatever you want on army bags all weekend for his usual art fee.
- Master Painter Kenny from Next Level Painting will be on hand for airbrushing seminars as well, so be sure to stop by to learn how to airbrush, or airbrush better even!
- Top level 40k player Paul Murphy will be here too, giving advice on tactics and tournament play.
- Jawaballs + Frtiz will be on hand as well, fresh from the wilds of New York to entertain and dazzle with their hobby expertise. Checkout the hobby clinic they are running below as well. And last, but not least I myself (MBG) will be here too.
- Magic players may notice a very special playmat that we’ll have for sale this weekend only. More on that soon!
So if you near the Richmond Virginia area, stop by for the festivities won’t you?
Friday June 28th
The Birthday Sale Starts at 2pm, with the first 20 customers (requires purchase), get a FREE swag bag from us!
Selected games will be on demo from opening on, and our special guests will be on hand to chat about the games we all love so much!
Friday Night Magic will be FREE to play as well (standard format), and you’ll even get a booster pack at sign up for FREE as well. So bring your friends and turn some cards sideways!
Saturday June 29th
We’ll have demos and open gaming on Saturday From 12 to 5pm.
Confirmed Game Demos;
Warhammer 40k, Dropzone Commander, X-Wing Miniatures, Infinity, Warmachine/ Hordes
Saturday Hobby Clinics
1 PM – 3PM The Jawaballs Way I: A seminar on custom display boards Cost $25
3 PM – 5PM The Jawaballs Way II: A seminar on custom display boards Cost $25
1PM Saturday & Sunday Next Level Painting Hands on Airbrushing Seminar- Cost $100
Limited to only Five attendees, the NLP airbrushing seminar lasts 4 hours each day. Attendees will have their own airbrush to use and learn from NLP’s Kenny Boucher himself. Materials included are 5 Tactical Marines and a Rhino.
This is your opportunity to learn hands on from one of the BEST airbrushers in the industry, and have the models to take home with you to show everyone YOU did it!
Heck if airbrush DVD’s are $50 each, this class is CHEAP compared to that, and there is nothing like live instruction. Total class cost for 8 hours (including materials) is $100
Warhammer 40k IRON MAN Tournament!
5PM 1850 Points Cost $10 5PM (registration- first dice at 6pm) . It could conceivably end at lol, 3 AM so bring you big boy pants and get ready for an all-nighter.
Standard 40k tournament rules, but free to play (and will feature $100 in prize support) cause its our BIRTHDAY YEAH!!!!! We will close the store to customers at 12 midnight.
Sunday June 30thAs the festivities being to wind down, we’ll feature a $10 Magic Standard tournament with sign-ups at Noon. It will be a Win-A-Box for Modern Masters! What?!?!?!?!
1PM Day 2 of Next Level Painting Hands on Airbrushing Seminar- Cost $100
To register for any of the clinics or tournaments, please call us to get on the list OR register online (804) 464-1873
Hope to see YOU soon! -MBG