Is it Bigger Than a Battle Barge? Sci-Fi’s Famous Ships

By Rob Baer | January 6th, 2016 | Categories: Halo, Offbeat, star trek, Star Wars

Is it Bigger Than a Battle Barge? Sci-Fi's Famous Ships

If you think the ships of the grim dark 40k are big, you may want to dream bigger darling.  There are things out there the size of small moons – come see!

Of course size doesn’t always matter because we all know what one X-wing did to a thermal exhaust port right? But being able to see just how big the ships of Science Fiction really are, is not only fun – it’s educational!


But what ships are the biggest? Well that’s what MetaBallStudios, has answered with his side by side comparison of some of the most famous starships in science fiction.

So if you trying to start your own Heresy and take over the universe, come take a closer look the ships from Star Trek to Mass Effect and everything in between!

You’re going to need a bigger ship!