4 Amazing New Spirit of Rebellion Cards For SW Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | February 8th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Warhammer 40k Rumors

The latest card reveals for the Star Wars Destiny Spirit of Rebellion expansion have just been released. Come and see what amazing new cards will be in this next round of collectible cards!

A second Darth Vader?! The Villains get the not so burned version of the Dark Apprentice. This card is very aggressive at the cost of his own health. He has amazing damage potential, but he has to spend health or a resource to do his worst to your opponent. With 2 sides of his dice featuring 3 damage, he will put a hurt the hurt out quick. He does not cost as much as the Sith Lord version of Darth Vader so there is room to fit other villains in your deck. And he will be accessible as a Rare. Great new evil card.

Obi Wan. Not a name I’ve heard in a long time. The Mysterious Hermit makes his appearance as a supper powerful card for the Heroes. With the Guardian keyword and 11 health, this guy will soak up the damage to keep your other characters healthy. But his special ability is one of greatness. Before he is defeated, you may play a Blue card from your discard pile or hand FOR FREE! Say what? This guy is definitely One With the Force if you know what I mean. Playing any Blue upgrade is powerful, but for free is to break the game in half! With a 1 and 3 melee side on his dice, he’s no slouch in the damage department. His focus sides will help ensure his mentor status upon whichever other character you choose. Rey needs a teacher, if I remember correctly.

The Villains get another extremely powerful card that nets them a Second Chance. Rise Again is a 5 resource card that lets you heal 5 damage on a unique Blue character and play an upgrade from your discard pile FOR FREE! Destiny be handing out all the freebies! Give this to the Dark Apprentice version of Darth Vader since he does damage to himself. This will give him the second wind to finish of your foes quickly.

This next card is an iconic battlefield with an amazing Claim ability. When you claim the Carbon Freezing Chamber, you get to “freeze” an opponent’s die for a turn. Basically you select a character die, and it cannot be rolled the next round. Destiny is full of control cards, but this battlefield adds just one more. I can see this being an awesome combo with Prized Possession to lock up character dice like a Gangsta Hutt. This card is going to be in a lot of control decks, so get ready to have Carbonite sickness!


That’s it for the latest reveal for the Star Wars Destiny Spirit of Rebellion expansion! Let’s hope more will come soon. This game is picking up steam and shows no signs of stopping.