4 Top Character Teams For Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | February 24th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

Star Wars Destiny is still running hot out there! Take a look at some Two character teams that have been at the top of everyone’s lists lately!

One of the most lethal teams out there! Jango Veers is rightly feared for their ability to put out ranged damage super fast and in large quantities. The activation speed of Jango ensures that your opponent will have no time to react to your ranged damage. General Veers boosts Jango’s already impressive stats. Add lots of guns with redeploy to make your opponent pay for taking out one of your characters, if they survive your blaster fire.

The hero version of a Jango Veers deck is Rey and Han. Rey has a built in ability that allows her to take an action whenever she is equipped with an upgrade. Use Ambush upgrades to boost your action economy to insane levels. This benefits Han, who gains a shield whenever you play a card with Ambush. Ambush also allows you to get the actions and dice rolls you need to deal out massive damage. It takes s keen mind to keep up with all of those actions!

The dreaded Vader Raider list. These 2 pack some serious punch together, and Vader with 2 dice is as strong as they come. His passive ability to discard just by activating is particularly sinister. The Tusken Raider fits in nicely, and supports Vader with his melee dice. Blue and Yellow cards have many dice manipulation tricks up their sleeve, as well as powerful upgrades that use the Force and illegal weaponry.

Count Dooku and Jabba the Hutt. A slippery team indeed. Count Dooku is difficult to hit with his ability to gain shields whenever he receives incoming damage, at the cost of discarding a card of course. Jabba is all about support and discards as well, but for your opponent. If your dice are hot, 4 discards from your opponent’s hand are what you can expect from the most notorious crime lords. We have plenty of blue and yellow dice manipulation mechanics in a deck like this to control your opponent’s turns to make them unfold the way you want them to.

These 2 character combinations are pretty powerful and fun to play. Stay tuned for more Star Wars Destiny tactics.  Have you tried these character combos yet?