Ackbar’s Rebel Assault: SW Destiny Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | June 8th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics


The Rebel Commandos are ready to conduct raids against key installations of the Empire. Come and see their tactics for Star Wars Destiny!

The ultimate Rebel Tactician, Admiral Ackbar will be leading the Rebels in this mono Red Hero deck. His discard ability will be put to good use in this deck, so keep that in mind. We will use the single dice version of Ackbar so that we can fit in 2 Rebel Commandos.

The Rebel Commando fits nicely with Admiral Ackbar, and it’s die has good synergy with him. Having a natural discard on its die can set up rounds of punishing mill tactics, and a seldom used card could really get this combo working.

Commando Raid may have found its niche finally! This one resource Event let’s you resolve one of your red dice showing discard and increase its value by 2. Since Ackbar does auto damage to an enemy character when they play or discard the last card in their hand, this is a great mill strategy that also deals damage. This can help you end the game even faster by performing a 2 pronged attack against your opponent.

C-3P0 is a great one cost support that can help you in your Commando Raid tactics. Having a natural discard on his die, he can combo off of the Commando and Ackbar’s character dice. If you find yourself lacking a discard on your dice you can use C-3P0’s action to remove his die and resolve one of your dice as if it ere showing another symbol. This could be used to get that discard even if you rolled poorly.

Another 1 cost support that can really keep the mill pressure on is Spy Net. After one of your dice rolls a focus, you may exhaust Spy Net to discard the top card of an opponent’s deck. Since Ackbar and C-3P0 have natural focus on their dice, this can ramp up your mill strategy even further!

Defeating your opponent through raw damage is fun, but if your opponent has no cards left to deal with your deck, they can be at your mercy. Recruit the Rebel Commandos in your deck today and try them out!

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