Beckett & Talzin: Star Wars Destiny Deck

By Barclay Montgomery | March 15th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

Tobias Beckett

Tobias Beckett is up for hire and he has joined forces with the Nightsisters and Mother Talzin to collect even more credits! Take a look at an interesting new Villains deck.

Tobias Beckett is an impressive Villain character that likes to hurt your opponent’s resource management game. His special ability allows him to take 1 resource from an opponent, and generates a resource even if your opponent has none. His ranged sides can add to your damage dice pool and his focus sides can generate die results depending on your game state. His disrupt further enhances his resource war against your opponents. Mother Talzin

Mother Talzin is teaming up with Beckett, and she has some Witch Magick ready to influence the dice once they are cast. Her ranged sides will boost Beckett’s damage output and her ability can change a die side once you activate her and reveal a card from your deck that costs an odd number. Key to the success of this deck will be to include only odd costed cards so that Talzin can change a die, either yours or your opponent’s. Tobias Beckett's Rifle

Beckett will be bringing his Rifle to add more muscle to his resource stealing mechanic. After you ply this upgrade on Beckett, you may force an opponent to lose a resource. It’s ranged side of 3 for a resource can add a big damage boost to your pool, but the major point of his Rifle is to add damage through resource disruption. His Rifle’s special ability deals 2 damage to an opponent’s character, or 3 if that opponent has no resources, so the 2 disrupt side combined with Beckett’s special ability can have your opponent hurting both health-wise and for resources. Friends in Low Places

Knowledge of your opponent’s hand can make your Destiny games way easier, so it’s best to have Friends in Low Places. This 0 cost event allows you to sneak a peek at an opponent’s hand and discard a card from it that costs 1 or less. Not only does it remove options from your opponent’s hand that could affect your dice, but with Talzin manipulating dice elsewhere, your opponent will have no mitigation against your dice control!


With Beckett, strong-arming your opponent is a way of life, so go with Coercion. This sinister Villain event again allows you to look at an opponent’s hand and forces them to play an event as their next action. Not only does this remove that card from their hand essentially, but it can potentially ruin their game plan. Nothing like using the Price of Failure against Darth Vader, Terror to Behold while he is exhausted!

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