Blackmail Your Way to The Top In Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | June 9th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

The galaxy’s most notorious crime lord is back in a big way in Star Wars Destiny. And this time he has brought some scummy friends!

Jabba the Hutt is an amazing support character that features no damage on his character dice. He is able to distrupt an opponent’s resources, discard cards from hands, and can help you get the dice you want with his focus. If you add Unkar Plutt as his companion, things get really crazy!

Unkar Plutt is also a pure support character that can help you get lots of resources fast. His action ability allows you to remove a number of dice showing a combined value of 3 to discard a random card from an opponent’s hand and gain resources equal to its cost. This guy can ramp up your resources fast, and mill your opponent’s hand just as quickly. This deck is crazy because it features no damage whatsoever, but it can still put a hurting on your opponent.

Since you will be rolling lots of resource sides with your dice, add in a Salvage Stand to hit your opponent in the wallet. Having no resources is a huge setback to any deck’s plan, and a consistent source of disrupt in this way can keep your opponent poor. 

To keep the no damage theme rolling strong, add in Blackmail. This card takes Jabba to insane levels with its mighty discard of 3, disrupt 3, and 3 shield values. This card can also easily trigger Unkar’s ability for more resource gaining/ milling fun.Also of note, Blackmail has a built in ability that can allow your opponent to give you 1 resource to remove Blackmail from your pool. This can be mitigated with Fast Hands if you wish. 

Since this deck is a little slow in whittling down your opponent, a nice way to mitigate damage can be to use Prized Possession. By removing an opponent’s character die, this can really set back their plans. This can be especially devastating when facing a Palpatine deck, since the Emperor depends so heavily on his character dice.

Since you are going to be disrupting, why not turn your opponent’s misfortunes into your financial gain? My Kind of Scum is a sneaky support that can be exhausted to make you gain a number of resources equal to the value that you just disrupted from your opponent. You will be rich beyond your wildest dream in this deck! Go whole hog on the Yellow Villain theme with Jabba and Unkar!

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