Boba & Hux: Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | June 14th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

general hex

General Hux has recruited Boba Fett for his next campaign against the Resistance. The First Order will triumph with elite bounty hunter assistance!

General Hux Aspiring Commander

The dogmatic leader, General Hux is an interesting character in Star Wars Destiny. His damage potential is quite lacking, but his resource economy is invaluable with another more hard hitting character. His special ability is the key to keeping this deck in its fast tempo swing potential. As a special ability, play a Red event from your hand, decreasing its cost by 1 for each character you have. This can get you some upgrades that would normally take a few turns to pay up for. Boba Fett Deadly Mercenary

Boba Fett has been hired by Hux to keep the pressure on the Heroes. With an all out attack style, Boba can add some serious damage output. 2 ranged, 2 melee, and a special ability that deals damage can be devastating to the Heroes of the Resistance. His special ability deals damage to a character equal to the value showing on a die. It could be your opponent’s or yours. Go big or go home! Mobilize

In order to get your team rolling with some upgrades, Mobilize is a quick and efficient way to go about it. Normally, this card would not seem worthwhile, but Hux has the resources to back  it up. If you are able to spend Hux’s special on this card, you can net 4 resources for the price of 2. This can add up to some serious upgrade and support options; like an AT-ST.AT-ST

If you had saved a few resource, and used Hux to Mobilize, you can quickly have an AT-ST support. This powerful vehicle has massive ranged damage output that can synergize quite well with Boba Fett’s special. Spend his special to deal that 5 damage out twice to an unlucky opponent!


If Boba Fett has already been tapped out this round, use Hux and Leadership to give him another round of mayhem. For 1 resource, you may exhaust one of your unique Red characters to ready another character. This can get you double the value on Bob Fett.Delve

If you still find that you are lacking in the funding department, you can use Delve to ramp up as well. This 3 cost upgrade allows you to deal 1 indirect damage to yourself to play a support or upgrade from your hand for free. This can get you an AT-ST for a discount price of 3 resource and 1 indirect damage!

Whatever it takes to further the cause of the First Order!

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