Dirty Dengar: Star Wars Destiny Deck

By Barclay Montgomery | March 9th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics


Dengar is hunting for bounties, and these new cards for Destiny will help him collect the big credits. See a new way to play with downgrade cards!


Dengar is a Ruthless Tracker that will go to any length to capture his prey. Dengar is a 10 health Yellow villain that only has bounties on his mind. Dengar boasts a character die that may not seem that impressive, but his strengths lie in his character ability. After you activate Dengar, you may deal 1 damage to a character that has a bounty on it. Bounties are a new type of downgrade that you can play on your opponent’s characters to give them a handicap to their play. Dengar deals damage to characters that have a bounty, so go and get them! Punishing One

Dengar will be flying his personal Jumpmaster, Punishing One, into the battles of Destiny. This 2 cost support boosts Dengar’s damage output with 3 sides of its die dedicated to damage with 1 ranged, 2 ranged, and 2 indirect damage. The kicker is in its passive ability that allows you to ready Punishing One after an opponent’s character with a bounty is defeated. Also, if you spot Dengar in the process, you may activate Punishing One! Enticing Reward

Now let’s get the bounty party started. A great bounty for Dengar to use is Enticing Reward. This downgrade can be applied to an opponent’s character, and as soon as that character is defeated, you may play equipment or weapon from your hand for free. This is a fantastic bounty that will have your opponent sweating once Dengar comes to collect. Dengar's Fire Blade

The perfect reward for your bounty is Dengar’s Fire Blade. This intense weapon can add massive amounts of damage. After you play Fire Blade, you may deal 1 damage to a character with a bounty on it. The Fire Blade also has a Power Action that can turn on of Dengar’s character dice to a side showing a value of 1. Dengar’s 1 melee is the perfect target as it will give you a massive 5 melee damage with his Fire Blade! Watch out for the bounties when Dengar is in town!

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