Double Trouble: Star Wars Destiny Deck Build

By Barclay Montgomery | February 1st, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

Iden Version

This Villain deck is bringing the trouble, and making that double, for your opponent in Star Wars Destiny. Come and see what girl power can do!

Iden Version

Iden Versio is one tough character for the Villains in Destiny. Not only does she have strong ranged sides and a 2 focus on her character die, she also has a passive ability to lock down your opponent’s action phase, preventing them from taking additional actions during their turn. Some decks thrive on getting those big tempo plays, taking advantage of Force Speed and Ambush, and Iden locks  it all down. Mother Talzin

A brilliant partner for Iden is Mother Talzin. Having an almost identical character die, Talzin has two ranged damage sides, focus, and discard to pair up with Iden to make some powerful plays each turn. With your opponent being prevented from taking additional actions, you can really gang up on them with Talzin and her ability to turn a die to any side when she activates, just makes sure you have plenty of odd costed cards in your deck. Vigilance

To further lock down your opponent’s turn, use Vigilance, This 1 cost support makes it so that your opponent can not turn dice, further preventing them from getting bug tempo plays against you. With Talzin turning a die of your choice, and their combined focus values, you will have big power plays each turn.

Arc-170 Starfighter

An ARC-170 is a great additional support option for Iden and Talzin. This 2 cost support gives you a vehicle that can be regenerated each turn, as it returns to your hand if it is ever discarded from play. This can add to the relentlessness of this deck, and can also give you more ranged damage punch in each of your turns. Partnership

Since your opponent will be slowed down with Iden’s ability and Vigilance, get the upper hand with Partnership. This 0 cost event allows you to activate one of your characters and one of your supports, gaining much tempo and being able to spend 1 resource to get a further action. This could allow you to activate one of your characters, activate your ARC-170, and then pay a resource to roll in Talzin and turn a die side to any that you choose. Brutally effective!

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