Feel the Force with New Light Side Destiny Cards

By Barclay Montgomery | May 11th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

Feel the power of the Light Side of the Force with these latest new Blue Hero cards from Star Wars Destiny expansion Spirit of Rebellion! 

The latest new Blue hero is the Jedi Acolyte. This peaceful zen-like creature has an interesting die. 1 melee, 1 focus, 2 focus, 1 discard, and 1 resource gives this character a well rounded die to make sure you have whatever you need in any situation. The interesting ability it has adds more utility to your other die as well. If any other die shows the same symbol as the Jedi Acolyte, you increase his die by 1. A welcome boost to whatever your die has to offer. The Force wills it so!

For when you take serious damage, equip Force Heal onto your character of choice. This 2 cost upgrade gives you a die that is made to heal and protect. 1 shield, 1 resource, 1 resource, and 2 special ability sides to this die make it pure support. The special ability states that you may heal 1 damage from a character (your choice) or spend 1 resource to heal 2 damage. Since this die feature 2 resource sides, you should have no problem generating resources for the extra heals. 

Synchronicity is an interesting Event that helps coordinate your attack against your enemies. If you have dice showing melee and shields, you may deal 2 unblockable damage to a character, for 0 resources! This is great if your have characters that feature melee oriented attacks with the support of heals. We’re looking at you Qui-Gon Jinn! 

Premonitions is a tricky card, but useful nonetheless. This 0 cost Event allows you to discard a card from your hand and place it face down on Premonitions. You may then play the card stacked on another Premonitions card to play it for free. It’s a big gamble that could net you a free upgrade. For example, say you place One With the Force onto Premonitions because you can’t afford to play it yet. Hopefully in later turns you draw another Premonitions to play so you can get a free One With the Force. Hope that’s how it all works. More testing of this card will be required to flesh out how it really works. 

Force Throw’s bigger brother, Force Push is a powerful Force ability that has an impressive die. 2 ranged, 2 ranged, 2 discard, and 2 special ability die sides make this an offensive upgrade. The special ability allows you to turn up to 2 of your opponent’s die to any side. Dice manipulation cards are extremely powerful, and this one also gives you some ranged presence to push as well. 

Speaking of ranged power, the Handcrafted Light Bow is an impressive upgrade for dealing raw damage to your enemies. 2 ranged, 2 melee(!), 1 shield, 1 discard, and 1 special ability make this card a must have for any damage focused character. You get 2 choices with the special ability die sides. Either deal 3 damage to a character, or remove all shields from a character and deal 2 damage to them. This is incredible and could effectively remove 3 shields and deal 2 damage for a “total” of 5 to any enemy character!

Holy ranged damage combo breaker!

Some powerful new cards will soon be hitting the gaming scene with the Spirit of Rebellion expansion for Star Wars Destiny.

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