Heroes of Deck Destruction: Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | November 7th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics


The best way to defeat your opponent is without a fight. General Rieekan is ready to hit the Villains where it hurts: right in the deck!

Heroes of Deck Destruction: Star Wars Destiny

Heroes of Deck Destruction: Star Wars Destiny

General Rieekan is perfectly suited to start the game milling your opponent’s deck in Destiny. His ability is centered around shields, as it discards cards from your opponent’s deck equal to each of your other characters that have 1 shield. If you have a 3 character team, you can start off milling your opponent for 2 cards. Not a bad way to start a Destiny game. His shield sides can be used to replenish your team once the fighting really starts. Yoda

Yoda is a great companion to Rieekan for his special ability options that can help your mill game stay strong. With one special ability die on Yoda, you can discard the top card of your opponent’s deck and also gain a shield to get Rieekan’s ability with a follow up 2 card mill upon his activation. Your opponent will begin to panic once all those cards start flying off his deck! Jadha Partisan

But we are not done yet. A Jedha Partisan is a nice finishing touch to this mill game. After you deal indirect damage to an opponent for the first time each round, you discard the top card of your opponent’s deck. With 2 sides of 2 indirect damage and 1 discard side on his character die, Jedha Partisan will be doing work on that deck! Fall Back

A strong point of this deck is that it will not have to rely on upgrades to keep its victory condition going. In that regard, this makes the Red Event, Fall Back extremely powerful. This card may have a steep cost at 4 resources, but it can set your opponent back in tempo.

Each player must choose 2 upgrade, starting with you. Discard all upgrades from play. This is a powerful ability that can at the same time discard powerful upgrades that may have strong damage, and also waste your opponent’s resources by negating his investment in those upgrades. Well worth those 4 resource you paid, and at no loss of upgrades on your part!


It may take a turn or 2 to get up to those 4 resources, but a great way to stall for time, and keep your mill game strong is to end your turns quickly. Retreat does just this as a 2 cost Red Event. This card effectively ends the action phase, and effectively the turn at the cost of giving your opponent 1 last action. This can be a perfect follow up once you have activated all of your characters and discarded all the cards that you needed to from his deck.

Play Retreat and repeat it all over again next round. This also prevent incoming damage in a way since your opponent will not have time to bring his powerful dice pool to bear.


You will take some hits, but keeping your character alive will go a long way in keeping victory within your grasp. Caution is a great, cheap Event card that can boost your defenses back up, and enable more Rieekan milling. Use this on any character die that flubbed its roll in a turn, and you will be back up to milling that deck down to 0! Rieekan has found another path to victory in Destiny. Will you follow him?

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