Hondo & Yoda: Star Wars Destiny Combo

By Barclay Montgomery | October 22nd, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny


Hondo has acquired the services of Yoda and he will be helping his cause in Destiny. Come and see what these two masters can achieve together!

Hondo & Yoda: Star Wars Destiny Combo

Hondo & Yoda: Star Wars Destiny Combo

Hondo has just acquired Jedi Master Yoda on his team in Destiny. With this team, you will have a unique way of defeating your opponents. Having no raw damage on Hondo’s dice, this can seem daunting, until you figure out how this will all work out.

The special ability sides will be the focus of this deck. Hondo’s 2 disrupt will also come in handy as most decks are very resource dependent, and disrupting your opponent’s resources disrupts his game plan.


Yoda is still a great character that can pair well with any Hero deck. Yoda will be using his 2 focus to get your dice where you need them: on those special ability sides. Hondo’s special to deal 3 damage to any opponent, unless they give you a resource, will be a great way to sneak damage into your attack plan.

Yoda’s special ability is a great grab bag of utility that can get you into a great spot no matter what you choose. Double-Dealing

With the prevalence of special ability sides in this deck, Double-Dealing can get you some double value! This 1 cost supports gives you the ability to exhaust it whenever you roll a special ability side to gain 1 resource. With all of the special ability rolls that you can make, you will have plenty of resources to defeat your opponent. Force Throw

With crazy new powerful dice out there now, Force Throw is a great removal and damage dealing tool for Yoda. Its special ability allows you to remove a die to deal a character damage equal to the value showing on that die. This can be a powerful tool when removing the 7 indirect from Planetary Bombardment! The 2 disrupt also pairs nicely with the 2 disrupt on Hondo’s dice.


Finally, Cunning is a must-have for Hondo. This card makes it so that you can get double mileage out of your dice that have special ability sides. Cunning allows you to resolve a special ability on another card in play as if it were your card.

This can give you another Force Throw, Hondo, or even another Yoda special from this die. This can give you unparalleled special ability chaining the likes of which you’ve never before beheld in Destiny!

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