Jabba & Bib: Star Wars Destiny Deck

By Barclay Montgomery | March 6th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

Bib and Jabba

Jabba and his right man, Bib, are a crime duo of legendary status. Join these two in your Destiny games and there is none that they can’t accomplish!

Jabba the Hutt

Jabba the Hutt is a gangster extraordinaire in the game of Destiny. Not to be confused with his cousin, Pizza the Hut, this version of Jabba is obsessed with getting those critical results on his dice. Having 2 special ability sides on his character die, his special allows Jabba to deal indirect damage to an opponent equal to the number of dice showing a critical symbol, including the one spent for Jabba’s ability. This can deal out an insane number of indirect damage and will be the main objective of this deck. With a 2 focus on his die, Jabba should have no problems getting a special. 
Bib Fotuna

Bib Fortuna is never far from Jabba’s side, and his Majordomo will be assisting his master in reaching critical mass! Bib also brings a special ability favoring die, with the ability to roll a character die on one of your other characters into your pool. This can be especially useful to roll in Jabba’s die again after you had previously used it to deal out indirect damage! Bib’s focus can help as well with getting those criticals as well.

Hunter Instinct

If you want more special ability sides to dice, Hunter Instinct will have you covered. This 2 cost Yellow villain upgrade gives you 2 more special ability dice to add to Jabba’s pool, and this special ability can deal out damage too. Deal 1 damage to a character or 2 damage if that character has 3 or more damage on it. This can add up quickly as Jabba will be pumping out mad damage with his special ability, and then you can spend the Hunter Instinct special to get in 2 more damage. V-1 Thermal Detonator

To add some more muscle to this deck, and more special abilities, go with V-1 Thermal Detonator. This 2 cost upgrade can deal out some big damage to your opponent with its special, which can deal 2 damage to each of an opponent’s characters. It’s discarded and disrupts are useful in their own right, but you want those special ability sides to deal out indirect damage from Jabba, followed up by 2 damage to each enemy character. 

With all of that indirect damage flying around, it may be difficult to pinpoint a character for certain death. Relentless Pursuit can help as it can move up to 2 damage from an opponent’s character to another character. This can also help you get more damage off on an opponent with the special from Hunter Instinct, or it can be used to finish off an opponent’s character near death. Jabba is bringing the pain in other ways to your opponent’s in Destiny. Join the side of crime!

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