Lando’s Long Con: Star Wars Destiny Deck Tech

By Barclay Montgomery | December 21st, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics


Lando is going legitimate this time around, and has his finances figured out. Get ready to spend tons of credits with Lando!

Lando Calrissan

Good ole’ Lando is ready to win big resources in Destiny. Being able to start the game with an extra resource for a total of 3 will have you financing any card that come your way in Destiny. Lando even has an impressive 3 resource side, at the cost of 1 resource, to keep your money flowing. Resources are the key to this deck so let’s get this bankroll rolling! Double Down

Lando will be ready to Double Down this time around at the Destiny table. This 2 cost Plot makes it so that you can include one additional copy of up to 2 different cards in your deck. This combination allows you to amass a hefty pile of resources with another card that you could have 3 copies of in your deck: Long Con. Long Con

Long Con is a 0 cost Yellow Event that allows you to gain 3 resources if there is another copy of this even ton your discard pile. The first time you have this card, you can discard it to re-roll dice in your pool, and your bankroll is set after that. With Double Down, you have 2 more copies of Long Con, ready to give you 6 resources! Shadow Caster

With all of those resources piling up, you’ll want to spend them on something worthwhile, like a Shadow Caster. This 4 cost support is loaded with huge damage sides and features no blanks in its die. The only stipulation on this support is that it has hefty resource costs for its die sides. This can be somewhat mitigated with its ability to decrease its resource cost by 1 for each mod attached to the Shadow Caster. This can allow you to more easily afford the 6 ranged and 5 indirect damage sides on this support.

Arc Caster

Since a modification can reduce the resource cost of Shadow Caster’s die, Arc Caster is a great option. For 2 resources, this modification can be attached to Shadow Caster and allows you to activate the attached support and re-roll a die. Its ranged sides can boost the massive 6 ranged on the Shadow Caster, and can reduce its resource cost in the process. The 3 indirect can be combined with the Shadow Caster’s for some serious damage. Get your resources rolling with Lando and the Double Down/ Long Con combo to finance your powerful supports in Star Wars Destiny.

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