Master of the Council: Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | February 8th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

Jedi Masters

The party is over for the Villains once these two Jedi Masters hit the ground running! These powerful swordsmen will be more than a match for the Dark Side!

Mace Windu

The party is just getting started once Mace Windu hits the Destiny game! This Jedi Master is more attainable, being on the Rare side nowadays, and having access to a Power Action which allows him to look at the top 4 cards of your deck and play an upgrade from among them.

Also, if that upgrade was given to  Jedi character, give it 1 shield. This allows you to search your deck for an upgrade that would be fitting of such a Master and gain a shield in the process.

Qui-Gon Jinn

Qui-Gon Jinn, although defiant in his own right, is a worthy partner to Mace. Boosting his character die with each shield he gains, Mace’s Power Action would be a perfect way to equip Qui-Gon and give him a shield in the process. His melee and shield sides can be combined with mace’s character die to deal out some serious damage. Mace Windu's Lightsaber

Mace Windu is bringing his Lightsaber into battle, and it has an impressive array of abilities. Boosting his melee and shield dice is one thing, but being able to resolve his special ability against an enemy will be truly satisfying. Deal 2 unblockable damage to a character, and if it has 1 health remaining, defeat it. This essentially is a 3 damage attack if you have an enemy with 3 health remaining, so this is a perfect character finishing ability.  Master of the Council

Mace Windu is worthy of the title of Master of the Council, and it is indeed a powerful upgrade. For 4 resource, you get a die with no blanks to boosts his melee, shields and adds an impressive special ability. This will allow Mace to spend 2 resources to ready a character, which can be devastating with either Qui-Gon or Mace when they are fully equipped with other powerful upgrades.

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