More Red Heroes! Star Wars Destiny Previews

By Barclay Montgomery | April 27th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

Fantasy Flight has dropped even more spoilers for you Star Wars Destiny fans! This time we feature the latest they have to show you with Red Hero cards!

Baze Malbus makes hits way with his  big guns into Destiny! This guy is loaded full of ranged destructive power and putting weapons on him only makes him better! 2 ranged, 3 ranged for resource, +2 ranged, 1 resource, and a special side make up his die. His special ability deals 1 damage to each of an opponent’s characters. This is a great way to keep the damage going against decks that feature 3 or 4 characters. Let’s take a look at a Baze build that will make him insane.

Play Overkill and a Rocket Launcher on Baze Malbus, and watch your opponent’s characters melt away! Overkill is all about ranged modifiers, as it has the most ever seen in game. Rocket Launcher has some of the highest damage output in the game, and is seemingly well balanced by making all of its damage cost 1 resource each. It’s special ability is mauch like Baze’s: it helps spread damage to multiple enemies. Equipped this way, Baze can dish out a possible 10 damage a turn! That’s about as much health that a majority of characters have. Not anymore with Baze around!

Training is another one of those amazing cards that will definitely see lots of play in the next expansion. For 2 resources, this upgrade makes any generic character elite, meaning you may add a duplicate die to it. This will make Deathtroopers, Rebel Commandos, even Stormtroopers way more powerful. This card will make a Director Krennic deck super scary! 

Planetary Uprising is another card that messes with your opponent for claiming the battlefield. If you have seem what Temmin “Snap” Wexley can do, you know that he will want this card in his deck. Planetary Uprising is a 2 cost support that, upon claiming the battlefield, does 2 damage to an opponent’s characters distributed as they wish. This is a great way to add more damage from sources besides weapons and character dice.

Mon Mothma the dignified diplomat enter the fray in Destiny. She is another pure support character that has an ability similar to Jabba’s Yellow reroll. Her ability states that you may reroll a die of the same color as an event that you just played. This is an interesting way to reroll dice in a multi color deck.Her die comes with 1 focus, 2 focus, 1 shield, and 2 sides that show 1 resource. Could she be seen in an Ackbar deck? Only time will tell. 

Die removal is an excellent component of competitive Destiny play. Friendly Fire does just that, but also adds so damage to the mix, Spot a red character to remove an opponent’s die, and deal its damage to a character. This is a gret counter to some of the big guns that we have seen that come out in this expansion: Rocket Launcher comes to mind!

The dynamic droid duo arrives to help the Rebellion! C-3PO is a support character that has 1 focus, 1 discard, and 2 resource sides that help support your characters. His action ability is a great and sneaky way of resolving a die without actually removing it. If you have the Millennium Falcon die in your pool showing 4 ranged, you may remove C-3PO’s die to instead resolve its special ability, all the while keeping your ranged damage! Crazy new abilities are possible with human cyborg relations.

Last but not least, the most famous Astromech droid in the galaxy: R2-D2! R2 is a 2 cost support card that has a die that always comes in clutch. All 6 sides feature something that you will need in your dice pool. 1 melee, 1 focus, 1 disrupt, 1 resource, and 2 sides that feature a special. His special ability allows you to resolve one of your dice and increase its value by 1. This is a simple yet effective way of getting more bang for your buck for every die that you roll!

That’s it for the Red Heroes rundown, and boy was it a lot of cards. Blue should be up next, so stay tuned for more news on Star Wars Destiny!

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