May The 4th: Red Villain Cards Revealed For Destiny

The Villains are on the march and they won’t be stopping any time soon! Come and see the latest Red Villain cards for Star Wars Destiny! 

The overall theme for the Red Villain cards seems to be oriented around the battlefield. If you’ve seen Director Krennic, his ability to roll in an extra Death Trooper die is based upon controlling the battlefield. Let’s look at some way you can secure the battlefield from those stinky Rebels!

Lockdown is a Red Villain Event that cost no resources, gives you ambush, and allows you to “control” the battlefield without claiming it. All you need is to be able to spot 2 Red characters. this is a great way to”claim” the battlefield without actually claiming it and this ending your turn. This is a great way to activate Krennic’s ability if your opponent nabbed the battlefield from you in previous turns.

Once you have control of the battlefield, the E-Web Emplacement card is a great way to get dug in. This support card features an array of ranged damage, having all ranged damage sides. This interesting thing to note about this card is that you increase the value of its die sides by 1 if you control the battlefield. Great card for Director Krennic since he already covets the battlefield!

Once you have the battlefield, you can really start to make your opponents sweat with the dreaded We Have Them Now event card. If you control the battlefield, for 2 resources, you may turn up to 4 of your dice to sides showing either ranged or melee. This is great for finishing off characters in one turn or forcing your opponent to spend lots of their cards or resources to try and remove their dice. All the better when you control the battlefield.

But which battlefield goes best with Director Krennic and all these battlefield oriented cards? The new Secret Facility battlefield of course! This beast of a battlefield has an incredible claim ability. You may instantly resolve 3 of your dice showing damage. Consider the We Have Them Now card. Up to 4 of your dice can be switched to ranged damage sides, you then claim the battlefield, and resolve 3 of those dice against your opponent. This is also a great finisher card as you don;t have to spend your last action by claiming and have no damage to show for it.

There are removal cards out there for ranged damage, such as Dodge. A way around this would be to include a TIE Pilot as one of your characters. This Red Villain character is all about supporting ranged damage with his die, and has a focus and resource thrown in to boot. But his passive ability is what makes this card amazing. While the TIE Pilot die is in your dice pool, your other ranged damage dice cannot be removed by an opponent. This is amazing! Bye bye Dodge. You can;t shake this TIE Pilot!

Everyone’s favorite Stormtrooper, FN-2199, is ready and able and super fast in Destiny. His character ability allows him to roll a weapon die as soon as your equip it to him and he’s not the most loyal Stormtrooper without his Z6 Riot Control Baton. This cool card has redeploy and is the first red melee weapon to be seen in Destiny. This die is loaded with heavy melee damage and allows you to reroll this die after rolling it into your pool. Don’t need the 1 resource? Re-roll and hope for some face smashing melee!

To keep the Imperial War Machine running, you need lots of resources. The aforementioned card allows you to resolve a Red dice with a resource cost for free, perfect for a Rocket Launcher or E-Web Emplacement. Supply Line is also a great die for generating resources and is a cheap support for only 1 resource.

A good way to make your opponent face hard choices is to remove their resources. No money no shoot. The DT-29 Heavy Blaster Pistol has a special ability that removes an opponent’s die showing resources and also is a great ranged weapon to have on Director Krennic. 2 resource weapons are the way to go to keep your cards consistent.

Wow! What amazing new cards for the Villains. This game is shaping up to be super fun and collectible. Grab your Spirit of Rebellion cards on May the 4th!

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