New Rules Errata Emerges For Star Wars Destiny

Come and check out the latest rules reference for Star Wars Destiny! A few cards have been changed, so learn what you can. Save you it will! 

For some light reading, you can find the Rules Reference a great place to get caught up on the latest Destiny info. The biggest changes to the Destiny game have been the errata of some particular cards that enabled combos that could be chained indefinitely, and the Destiny design team has sought to change those combos. The most notable was the dreaded Hyperloop combo that utilized a synergy between Hyperspace Jump and Millennium Falcon.

From lead Destiny Designer, Lukas Litzsinger:

“The first errata is to Hyperspace Jump  With it’s new text, instead of discarding itself after resolving like other event cards, it is now placed in your set-aside zone. We made this change because of a combo using the Millennium Falcon and the Emperor’s Throne Room to keep playing Hyperspace Jump over and over, allowing a player to end the Action Phase at will. Even though the deck has not won many tournaments in the Awakenings environment, it is very frustrating to play against.”

Hats off to Lukas for fixing card dynamics that were limiting the enjoyment of players. Changing card dynamics is nothing to take lightly, so it is in the best interest of Destiny players that they changed these cards. 2 new cards that will be recently released, Maz Kanata and Planetary Uprising, were the inspiration for changing Hyperspace Jump as these new cards would create synergies that would further enhance the Hyperloop combo.

The second part of the errata dealt with a new character card the: Outer Rim Smuggler. This card was printed with an ability that states that after you play the last card form your hand, gain 1 resource. As it had been printed, the Outer Rim Smuggler character could chain the playing of Return of the Jedi to effectively gain unlimited resources.

From Lukas Litzsinger:

:”if you have two Outer Rim Smugglers and two copies of Return of the Jedi, one in your hand and one in your discard pile, then you can generate infinite resources by playing and targeting the Return of the Jedi cards.”

As a preemptive strike, they have since changed Outer Rim Smuggler to read: The first time each round that you play the last card from your hand, gain 1 resource. This helps to balance the game and keep game-play fluid and fun. Another big change to the game dynamics was the addition of a “set aside” zone that replaces wording and dynamics such as “remove from the game”. This enables cards and dice to be set aside separately from your discard pile that can possibly be rolled again later, such as Director Krennic’s ability to roll a set aside Death Trooper die into his dice pool.

This is a great start to helping move the game along as we eagerly wait the release of the Spirit of Rebellion expansion of Star Wars Destiny. May the Force be with you and we hope you draw lots of great cards from your packs!