Smooth Revolutionary: Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | November 21st, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

L3-37 and Lando

Lando and L3-37 are punching it to the max aboard the Millennium Falcon in Star Wars Destiny. Watch how these smooth operators work!Lando Calrissian

Lando is back for more action in Destiny. This scoundrel is packing a power action and a whole new game-plan. At a super tough 11 health, Lando is ready to face any Villain, and at a moderate 12 points for the 1 die version. His character die features 2 ranged, 2 indirect, 1 disrupt, 1 resource, and a 4 resource side for 2 resources.

Lando is all about the money and can defend himself in a pinch. His Power Action is where he really shines as it allows him to play a Yellow vehicle from your hand, decreasing its cost by 1 and giving it Ambush. This works even better if you have the Millennium Falcon as you can then activate it!Millennium Falcon

Lando’s Millennium Falcon is an impressive support. Having no blanks, the Falcon can add damage to your pool with 3 ranged, 4 ranged for a resource, and 4 indirect damage. It can also add utility in its 2 discard, 3 shields, and 3 resources. As an added bonus, after you play the Falcon you may search your deck or discard pile for the Escape Craft support and attach it to the Falcon as a mod upgrade.

This paired with Lando’s Power Action allows you to play the Falcon at a discount, gain Ambush, search your deck for the Escape Craft, attach it to the Falcon, and activate it. You’ll definitely be in the fastest ship in the galaxy when you play these together! Escape Craft

The Escape Craft fits right in with the Millennium Falcon. Being able to play this support/ mod for free when you play the Falcon is an amazing tempo swing. Its die gives the Falcon two focus sides and 1 shield and 1 resource. This will definitely give you the ability to manipulate your dice almost as soon as you roll them. L3-37

As Han has his faithful companion in Chewbacca, so does Lando with L3-37. This droid revolutionary is the perfect co=pilot to Lando and the Millennium Falcon. In a pure supporting role, L3-37 has no damage potential, but plenty of focus, shield, resource, and discard potential. L3-37 also has one of the most unique character abilities to be able to stick around, even after being defeated. Before L3-37 is defeated, spot a vehicle support to attach this card to it as a 0 cost mod upgrade.

If that vehicle is the Millennium Falcon, ready it. So the perfect play would be to have the Falcon with the Escape Craft attached, and L3-37 attached when she is defeated to have one insanely powerful support. Lando and L3 are blasting out into the new metagame of Destiny soon! Grab them while you can!

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