The Mean Team: Star Wars Destiny Deck

By Barclay Montgomery | January 11th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

Ciena Ree

The Mean Team is in town now and they are bringing some serious Villain support vehicles to smash the Heroes. Better watch out for these guys!

Ciena Ree

Ciena Ree is back from her flight missions to give the Heroes a run for their resources in Destiny. This astoundingly costed character has an impressive 9 health for a 8 point character. Her die is support oriented having a disrupt, and two 1 resource sides. Her ranged sides can add to the damage pool, but her action ability is where it’s at, being able to spend 2 resources to ready a vehicle. Get ready for some Villain vehicle action!

Bazine Netal

Bazine Netal is another fabulously affordable character that can aid Ciena in her battles against the Heroes. Her special ability is supremely effective at getting a nice sucker punch early on in your games, giving a character 3 damage if that character has no damage on it. Her 2 shield side for a resource will come in handy too, especially with Snoke leading this squad!


That’s right! Snoke is back for more in this Villain deck, giving massive value for your character dice. His Power Action is what makes him so good, being able to deal 1 damage to another one of your characters to resolve one of its character dice and increasing its value by 2. This can give you 4 shields for a resource with Bazine or even 3 resources in one go with Ciena’s dice. This resource generating deck can give you the finances for some amazing Villain vehicles.!


The Firespray-31 is a 4 resource Villain vehicle support that will work wonders in this deck. With powerful ranged and indirect damage sides, this vehicle can deal out the damage to the Heroes, and Ciena is there to give you another go at it with her ability to ready a vehicle. The Firespray is even packing a Power Action that can give it even more damage potential by being able to play a mod from your hand on it at a 2 resource discount!

Triple Laser Turret

The Triple Laser Turret is the choice for the Firespray since you can play it at no cost to you! This weapon mod can make the Firespray’s dice go nuclear with its bevy of ranged and indirect sides, and it also has the added side benefit to make your support dice impervious to your opponent’s die removal. All of these option combined together makes for a very power Villain Mean Team in Destiny!

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