The Spirit Is Strong WIth Star Wars Destiny’s Newest Event

By Barclay Montgomery | March 30th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

spirit of rebellion

Get your local gaming store involved in the latest from Star Wars Destiny: the Spirit of Rebellion Preview Event! Loads of new cards and even alternate art cards are being released early!

Spirit of the Rebellion

If you want a chance at getting some Spirit of Rebellion cards early, and even getting your hands on some sweet alternate art cards, you need to get your friendly local gaming store on board for the Spirit of Rebellion Preview Event! Starting on April 1st, This event has players filling out Mission cards that will help them earn Alternate Art cards quickly while playing the game.

Destiny Event Missions

These mission cards enable you to work towards a goal of earning these alternate art cards by completing various tasks. Deal 4 damage at once, buy 3 booster packs (good luck), or play 2 games as Heroes/ Villains to earn your alt art cards!Destiny Event Cards

An alternate art Deathtrooper is one of the possible alternate art cards, along with what looks like an Epsilon Shuttle support card, and a upgrade that will really get your guns blazing Baze Malbus style!

Grab your Destiny decks and play some games with friends and even meet new people that have a love for the game as well!

Barclay X-Wing Wrapper

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