The Tarkin Initiative: Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | July 20th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

destiny art

Doctor Aphra has been searching for the 000 matrix and has finally found it! Check out this villainous droid dream team for Star Wars Destiny.

Doctor Aphra Artifact Hunter

The Tarkin Initiative: Star Wars Destiny

Doctor Aphra is an interesting character in Destiny. By having 2 passive abilities, she can be quite versatile with the right build. She favors droid companions, and reduces the cost of the first droid that you play each round by 1. This can be quite handy with her favorite droid allies, which have synergy with her other passive ability. After you deal indirect damage to yourself, you may draw a card. This may seem like a bad trade off, but  this can open up new possibilities in Destiny. 000 The Tarkin Initiative: Star Wars Destiny

After searching for long time, Dr. Aphra has finally tracked down 0-0-0. This sinister protocol droid is an expert in torture and can really be an asset to her. 0-0-0 also  comes with a passive ability that kicks in after you deal indirect damage to yourself; you may deal 1 indirect damage to an opponent. This offsets the penalty of hurting yourself a bit, and his support die can really damage your opponent. 1 melee, 2 melee, 2 melee for a resource, 1 disrupt, 1 discard, and 1 resource make 0-0-0 a close range threat.


0-0-0’s droid companion is the perfect finish to this trio of terror. BT-1 has been seen before, but now that the group is all together, it all works like a well disciplined protocol droid. After you activate BT-1, deal 1 indirect damage to yourself, then deal 1 indirect damage to an opponent. This then kicks in with 0-0-0’s ability and deals 1 additional indirect damage to your opponent and then allows you to draw a card with Dr. Aphra. All of this for 1 damage to yourself, which could be just 1 shield. It’s a bargain in blood.

By Any Means

0-0-0 was notorious for his methods and he is programmed to get information By Any Means. This 1 cost Yellow Event removes a die showing a value of 2 or more, then deals 1 indirect damage to yourself. This cascades and deals 1 indirect damage to your opponent and allows you to draw 1 card if you have your whole dastardly team together, and Dr. Aphra is cunning enough to use these sinister droids to their full potential!

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