The 6 Top Destiny Event Cards You Need To Know

By Barclay Montgomery | March 15th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

Have you been playing much Star Wars Destiny lately? Learn how to use Event cards to sway your luck in your favor to maximize your deck’s true potential!

Let’s star off with Red! It’s a Trap! is an obvious trap for your opponent that can spell doom for large dice pools worth of damage. For instance, if your opponent has 3-5 dice showing ranged damage and its your turn, play It’s a Trap! and you can turn all your dice to Ranged damage, use ambush to spend those dice, and hopefully use those dice to take out an enemy character and remove their dice in the process. We can’t repel firepower of that magnitude!

Getting the upper hand on your opponent can win games single-handedly. Tactical Mastery allows you to take 2 additional actions; arguably more powerful than ambush! Destiny follows a strict sequence of turns, and if you are able to disrupt that sequence you can gain a big advantage that can make it near impossible for your opponent to recover!

You’ll be feeling the anger with Feel Your Anger. This card allows you to count the number of blanks showing on your dice and remove that many dice from your opponent’s attack pool. This is an awesome way to take advantage of your opponent’s crappy dice pool! How’s that for anger inducing?

No Mercy does just that! Make your opponent feel your power by maximizing your dice to their brutal potential. Since this is resolved with one die, it can be hard to see this card coming. This card allows you to select one of your melee or ranged dice, discard any number of Blue cards from your hand, and add 1 value to the die for each card discarded. Say you have a Darth Vader die with 3 melee showing. Play No Mercy and those 3 damage can turn into 8 damage if you discard your entire hands worth of Blue cards!

Now for some Yellow card shenanigans! Ace in the Hole can be a lifesaver if you are shirt on resources. This card enables you to discard a Yellow upgrade from you hand to roll its dice into your attack pool. This can be a nice way to get Crime Lord out for free as opposed to having to pay 5 resources for it! 

Finally the best way to shock your opponent into losing his dice. This card is a bargain for 1 resource that allows you to remove a die showing a value of 2 or lower. Since it is rare to see a die with a value over 2 this card usefulness cannot be denied for its ability to remove dice from your opponent’s attack pool.

You gotta have some of these awesome Event cards in your Destiny decks! Which ones do you use that are most effective?

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