Winning With The Emperor In SW Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | June 1st, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

The Galactic Emperor is here to wipe out the Heroes once and for all in Star Wars Destiny! Can any other deck out there dare oppose his might?

The Emperor is the ultimate force to be reckoned in Destiny. His ability allows himto deal an additional 2 damage every time her resolves his die. This can add up to massive damage quick. His signature move should also be included with him in his deck.

Force Lightning is an incredibly powerful Force upgrade that features 5 sides of damage. It even has the ability to  remove a blank die to reroll Force Lightning back into your pool, all the while dealing damage. Another combo that can add even more damage to Palpatine’s die involves the No Mercy card.

No Mercy allows you too discard Blue cards from your hand, and can increase an die’s damage for each Blue card discarded this way. If you have a hand of 5 Blue cards you can make Palpatine’s 2 damage die deal 7, and then deal an additional 2 for his ability! A nifty way to increase the damage even further is to add in Emperor’s Favor.

This seldom used Support upgrade increases your hand by an additional 1. This can therefore boost No Mercy by an additional damage, and that can be all that remains for an opponent;s character to go down. Boundless ambition can help you replenish your hand after you use No Mercy, but that will mean that you have to keep it in your hand. 

This little combo can make the Emperor’s assault even more relentless against the weaklings that dare oppose him. Will you enforce the Emperor’s will against his enemies?

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