Pao’s Pathfinders: Star Wars Legion

By Barclay Montgomery | May 22nd, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Legion, Star Wars Tactics


Pao is pushing his Pathfinders to the pinnacle of prime battle positions. His team is ready to infiltrate and lay down suppressive fire in Star Wars Legion!

Rebel Pathfinders

The Rebel Pathfinders are where the fighting is thickest in Legion. These dudes get a chance to Infiltrate when the game starts, being able to deploy anywhere on the battlefield. Dauntless can help them get into prime positioning, and Danger Sense 3 allows them to keep suppression tokens that they can use for additional defense dice.


Pao will be leading the Pathfinders to victory. Pao is a Leader upgrade that gains Inspire for your troops, allowing you to remove suppression tokens on a whim. Pao is packing a long-range attack of 1 red and 1 white die at range 1-4. Keeping your distance will be the mission of these Pathfinders.

A-300 Long Range Config

The Pathfinders will be equipped with an A-300 Long Range Config to keep up with Pao. Giving you 1 white die at range 1-4, these Pathfinders will be able to find a key piece of terrain and hunker down while providing covering fire for your larger forces. Duck and Cover

Your Pathfinders will be a big threat so your enemies will be gunning for them. Don’t forget your training and Duck and Cover! This training card gives you the ability to gain suppression tokens whenever you are defending, boosting their Danger Sense ability. Get into position and fire on those Imperial from afar with Pao and his Pathfinders!

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